Previously, I had a very strange issue when using Crystilium with Thorium, does it still occur?


Official Terrarian
I don't have the time to test right now, but I would like to know beforehand if this issue still happens with the current builds of the mods. I have not used them in conjunction for a couple months, but recently my interest in mods has revived. Previously, the Crystilium biome would always, without fail, spawn exactly where the Viscount altar should, destroying the altar building and rendering the boss unspawnable without using a mod like Cheat Sheet to spawn in the altar as an item manually. The hand purchased from the Confused Zombie that should point to the altar always lead me to the Crystilium biome, no altar to be found anywhere. I tested this on multiple worlds, and no matter what, the biome would always spawn over and destroy the altar building. Does this still happen?
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