Game Mechanics PvP Damage Scaling


Skeletron Prime
I think that damage done to players should be different than damage done to mobs or bosses. Think of it this way.
  • Bosses have thousands upon thousands of hitpoints. I mean they have tens and hundreds of thousands of hitpoints. Players don't even have 1,000.
  • PvP battles mostly come down to whose weapon is more OP.
  • Players generally last mere seconds (usually less than 10) against these weapons that take minutes to kill bosses.
  • Better armor doesn't help much against these weapons.
My proposal is this: in PvP, have one of the following things happen:
  • Scale down damage done by players to players at a flat rate, regardless of armor or other factors.
  • Scale down damage done to other players based on that player's armor tier (wood armor=very little scaling, chlorophyte armor=scaled down quite a bit)
    • You can also think of this as the Armor tier exponentially decreasing damage taken from player weapons.
(Yes, I realize there is such a thing as defense, but even with defense, endgame weapons trump endgame armor EVERY TIME.)
Basically, I want PvP fights to have a little more strategy to them than the bombardment we see now. I want to be able to trade blows for more than 10 seconds without having to use like... a copper shortsword.
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