Other Literature Rainbow dash’s OCs

Nico Di Angelo (is hot)

Brain of Cthulhu
feel free to ask questions about oc’s here, but anything in detail should be put into my ama

gender: male
pronouns: he/him
Likes: sushi, dogs, (specifically huskies) music, drums, fluffy stuff, swimming, ice cream, skiing, Kunogiri, his dog zeke
dislikes: crab, heat, the fact that our planet is getting warmer, pumpkin flavored anything that isn’t pumpkin pie
appearance: appearances will be at the bottom
description: 15, long hair dyed a light purple, commonly wears a suit (blazer jacket with gold buttons, black dress pants, red tie, fancy shoes) in a romantic relationship with Kunogiri, light almond skin
occupation: school, but works at a café on weekends

gender: agender
pronouns: luna/ luna’s
likes: cars, particularly ones with hood ornaments, anime, mario games, jeans, plain white converse shoes (luna will decorate them)
dislikes: airplanes, cabbage, brussels sprouts, salmon, not much else
appearance: this will be at the bottom.
description: 23, glasses, medium-length brown hair, commonly wears jeans, t-shirt, the converses that luna decorates, skin is a medium nougat
occupation: author

gender: male
pronouns: he/him
likes: soccer, oden, candles, gummy candy, mario kart, photography, oden’s dog zeke, his cat marie
dislikes: his depression, his family, baseball, fast food, oden’s hoodies
appearance: again, at the bottom
description: 15, short black hair, shorter than Oden, in a romantic relationship with Oden, commonly wears, Oden’s hoodies, jeans, nikes, skin is a super light, like swedish boy kinda light
occupation: school

credits to @A_Mazarians_Boat
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Luna is a name right? If so, her pronouns can't be Luna/Luna's, as names are nouns, and pronouns are, well, pronouns.
It would make more sense grammatically, to just put "None/Refer by name".
Maybe Luna speaks like Elmo...
That would be hilarious I can't lie :D

But that would just be 3rd person speech, the name would still be a noun, right? So for example, if I were to say "Orchamut is going to the 711 because it's Orchamut's favorite shop", both names in that sentence are still nouns, as pronouns replace nouns.
If I were to say, "Orchamut is going to 711 because it's his favorite shop", I would be replacing the second noun Orchamut, to a pronoun, his.
That would be hilarious I can't lie :D

But that would just be 3rd person speech, the name would still be a noun, right? So for example, if I were to say "Orchamut is going to the 711 because it's Orchamut's favorite shop", both names in that sentence are still nouns, as pronouns replace nouns.
If I were to say, "Orchamut is going to 711 because it's his favorite shop", I would be replacing the second noun Orchamut, to a pronoun, his.
I just default all people to they/them because I don't know what some people's pronouns are.
It comes in handy
especially these days
Hey there! I noticed that the appearance area has my doodles that you requested, could you at least credit me?
No wonder I felt like it was your work when I looked at them! (That's not a bad thing, by the way. It's just that it felt like your artstyle, from what work I've seen from you, anyway.)

Although you've got a point for them to give you credit.
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