Rally's Terrarian Adventure


Chapter 1. A New Beginning

Another lonely night as I walk into my dark apartment, nothing but a messy, gloomy, smelly place. My name's Rally, I live in a decent apartment, and I don't have any lover or any relatives.
I only work, sleep, and play video games every single day. I'm already 36 years old and I don't have any progress in life. No friends, no relatives... Alone. But never once I thought that I wasn't special.

I'm always thinking that there's something inside me that could save someone... or the world. Something like my intelligence... Or a superhuman strength, you know?
As I sat on my couch, I turned my TV on to see what could entertain me.


"Boring!" I shouted out loud as no show can enlighten me. So I got up and went to bed, with nothing but boredom written on my face, I muttered. "I wish I had a more exciting and fantasy-like life just like on anime and video games."

With those on thought, I soon drifted to sleep. In my dream I saw darkness, nothing but an empty space.
Not much later, I heard a voice of a man.

"We did it! Our hero! The summoning is complete!" I was confused and thought it was dreaming a game dialogue so I really didn't mind it.

Sooner or later... I hear birds chirping, and trees waving as the fresh air go through them. I felt calm, I felt at ease but...
Fresh air? Trees?! I closed my windows before sleeping! And there're no trees close on my apartment! I quickly opened my eyes to see what's going on, but a ray of light blinded my eyes. As I sat up, a familiar voice spoke.

"You're finally awake! Welcome!" He spoke.

His voice was the same as the guy last night... So am I still dreaming?!

My thought was interrupted when he spoke again. "No you aren't young chap! I'm sure you're wide awake!"

I was surprised to the point that I had goose bumps "You can read my mind?!"

"Certainly not! you were speaking loud! The name's Luke by the way! Luke the Guide!"

Guide?! Just what is this guy talking about? "Rally, nice to meet you" I said with confusion still written all over me. "Care to explain why I'm in this forest?"
Cheerfully he said, "You were summoned by me and the Dryad!"

In disbelief by what Luke said, I immediately stood up and backed away from him.
"Huh?! Are you kidding me?! you're a kidnapper aren't you?!"

He laughed for one minute straight after hearing what I've just said. "You're funny." After that, he suddenly shifted from being all joyful to serious. "Press your chest." He continued.

Seeing his serious face, I did what Luke told me. Immediate a hot bar showed up with ten slots. It caught me by surprised that I jumped from shock. After that, I slowly looked at Luke.
He then opened his arms and yelled, "Greetings Rally, welcome to the land of Terraria!"
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