Game Mechanics Remove ability to rebuy used pylons


Unless if I am mistaken, Terraria does not give you any warnings that only one pylon of each type can be used. If only one pylon can even be used in a world, then what is the point of giving the player to buy multiple pylons of the same type? It should be simple to code in because they already have a system to detect pylons of the same type when placing another pylon of the same type. This feature mislead me and it might've mislead other players (or maybe im just dumb idk).

The only reason I can see to have the feature to rebuy pylons is to use them in other worlds which still doesn't make full sense as a town is needed to even use pylons and almost all combinations of towns have a shop in them (I suppose if a town is made up of a Guide and an Angler it might be useful but even then the odds are that they are not satisfied)

Please correct me if I am wrong as I am playing Terraria 1.4 blind and my knowledge of pylons is very low.
Full Clarification:
Pylons are purchased from NPC's with shop inventories who have a strong enough happiness rating, and are stationed in any biome with a valid pylon type. The NPC's preferred biome has no stake in what Pylon they sell, aside from the general happiness bonus from being in that biome.
Pylons themselves are only able to be used in the biome they correspond to, and if at least 2 NPC's are stationed close enough to the Pylon. The Town mini-biome designation is not required.
Only one Pylon of each type may be used in a world.

The best solution to the Pylon purchase problem would be to simple make the Pylon of a type unavailable if that type has been placed anywhere in the world.
are stationed in any biome with a valid pylon type

To clarify further: Biome is a function of the player's location, not the NPC's. If the player is in a valid pylon biome and close enough to speak to a happy vendor NPC, the pylon will be available even if the NPC itself is located in a non-pylon biome.
Unless if I am mistaken, Terraria does not give you any warnings that only one pylon of each type can be used.
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