Route to creativity: Crimson town


Hey guys, 16 here

I recently started replaying Terraria because of the new Journey's End patch and it rekindled my love for building in the game. I had some struggles trying to get my creativity en-route but with the help of some awesome builds people created over the years i got my spirit back =).

I searched the internet for some interesting builds i could copy or be inspired by and tried to remake them in my own world, for some reason i couldn't get it right and it didn't work out the way i wanted it so i started to destroy the things i build and then it hit me... I love ruined houses! it was a small step from there to an overgrown, dirty, ruined and taken-over crimson town!

This was the one when it hit me what i wanted to do:
Good nd Evil.png

here's the original by u/Sydorow posted on Reddit:

This one is called "Sun Seeker":
Sun Seeker.png

The original by u/Squeed99 who made an awesome Blacksmith

This one is called "The Meat Grinder". Its a combination of 2 windmills i found on the net, i used parts of both designs to make my own.

The Flesh Grinder.png

u/Zuazzer Windmill:

and u/RealiDevil360 windmill

Here is the last one I made in the town, and you'll never believe it but its an all original one!
Into The Deep.png

I hope you enjoyed the experience, i sure did. Make sure to check out the originals each one of them are amazing and helped me a lot! Please don't hold back on any critics, points of improvement, ideas or even builds you'd like to see transformed. I sure love to give it a try (not saying it'll be a successful one haha)

Thank you!
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