Linux Segmentation fault on exit when TerrariaServer ran from alternate directory

Wizard Toast


I'm trying to host a dedicated Linux server on Ubuntu (as a VM in Hyper-V, completely up-to-date): 4GB RAM (assigned to VM), 32GB storage (VM), host machine RAM: 16GB (-4), host CPU: intel i5-6600k @ 3.50GHz

Before I list the issue in the title I'd like to mention, as I'm not sure whether it may be relevant to the current issue, that I was unable to run the server at all until I added export TERM=xterm to the near-bottom of the file "TerrariaServer"

After that addition, when I run bash TerrariaServer from the terminal, from the folder containing the server, it runs as expected.

However, when I run TerrariaServer from any other directory, using the full path to TerrariaServer and to my config file, as below:
bash /home/wizardtoast/a_folder/Terraria/1405/TerrariaServer -config /home/wizardtoast/b_folder/Terraria/1405/cfg_testworld.txt
It launches and runs as expected (although I have not connected to the server in this case to test for in-game issues as previous trials have had none),
until I tell the server to exit at which point I receive this message:
/home/wizardtoast/a_folder/Terraria/1405/TerrariaServer: line 42: 8694 Segmentation fault  (core dumped) ./${BASENAME}.bin.${ext} $@

My config is loaded correctly, besides the current unrelated issue with the password being ignored, and my world file is properly saved and backed up, so I'm not even sure this has any significant impact besides knowing it's not normal behavior.

Am I doing something wrong? I'd appreciate any feedback.

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