NPCs & Enemies Selected Races from FTL Has Landed!


Headless Horseman
During their space travel, the crews of Kestrel had to crash land to the world of Terraria after a brutal fight between a notorious space pirate named Tuco.
Very few people have witnessed the crash landing, but they remember how those aliens look like. Nobody knows what happened to them after the crash, but rumors say that they are still in our world somewhere...

Here are the following aliens that people remembers from the crash landing.

: Underground
AI Type Fighter
Damage 60
Max Life 5000
Defense 40
KB Resist 95%

*Will throw rocks at you when you are far away.*

Drop Loot

Rock Plating
: This unique rock will plate to your armor. Increasing your total defense by 15%, but reduce your movement speed by 10%
Example: Beetle armor with Shell = 73 Defense.
Total defense with Rock Plating = 97.

Environment Jungle & Underground Jungle
AI Type Herpling
Damage 100
Max Life 400
Defense 35
KB Resist 50%

Drop Loot
Mantis Pheromones: Increase your movement speed by 25%

Who knows. There may be more aliens that the eye witnesses didn't catch yet...

My Thoughts
I love FTL and few races from that game would make a great cameo mob. All these mobs are rare to find just like Tim and Rune Wizard.
All of them will appear in Hard mode, so if you see them in early hard mode, RUN!
I have yet to create what possible loots there guys will carry as well as complete new sprites that will fit into Terraria, but I will work on it!
Other races that I want to see, but got cut out are: Lanius, Slug, and Crystal.
This is WIP as I will try spriting and think up loot tables for them.

Thoughts and opinions? Well I'm all ears.
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I really like the idea and I'd love to see more of these in different biomes and their drops of course! Though I'm a little bit concerned about the Mantis. HM jungle is really hard as it is! Might be my opinion though :p
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