tModLoader ServerSideCharacter, a server management mod



What is it?
ServerSideCharacter(SSC) is a server management tool for tModLoader, it gives server ability to use server side character. It contains a lot of server commands, including teleport, region and permission management. This mod mainly uses XML documents to store player's data. I was thought about using database but tModLoader blocked me from that.

Version Compatibility

tModLoader v0.9.2.1 V0.2X
tModLoader v0.9.1 V0.1X

Current Command List
  1. /help Get all the commands in this mod
  2. /auth Authorize the player as super admin
  3. /butcher Kill all the enemy NPCs in the world
  4. /find Use to find the item or NPC ID in all the mods loaded [-i as item, -n as NPC]
  5. /god Toggle the godmode of yourself
  6. /group Manage the permission group of the player
  7. /i Give yourself items by ID
  8. /kill Kill a player using their ID
  9. /ls List useful information in this server, admin can use ls -al for more information
  10. /lock Lock a player for some time
  11. /login Login to the server account
  12. /region Manage the regions in the server
  13. /register Register an account
  14. /save Save player's data (just in case)
  15. /sm Summon NPCs using their ID
  16. /tp Teleport to a player
  17. /tphere Teleport a player to your position
  18. /time Tell and change the time of the world
Download Site

Current Version: V0.2.1

This mod is now open source, feel free to contribute to the development of this mod
Github Repository Link
There is a bug that can not be saved.

And every time a player connects, there is a bug in which all player's items fetch their last saved data.
SSC is one of the reasons why I don't want to play multiplayer with tModLoader and rather use TShock and this mod can change that completely. Really excited and hope this is still being worked on!
Thank you very much for your hard work and goodluck with future changes! :)
Doesn't appear to work on linux (dedicated server) with the "1.3.5" fix:

Unhandled Exception:
System.DllNotFoundException: Kernel32
at (wrapper managed-to-native) Terraria.WindowsLaunch:SetConsoleCtrlHandler (Terraria.WindowsLaunch/HandlerRoutine,bool)
at Terraria.WindowsLaunch.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
[ERROR] FATAL UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: System.DllNotFoundException: Kernel32
at (wrapper managed-to-native) Terraria.WindowsLaunch:SetConsoleCtrlHandler (Terraria.WindowsLaunch/HandlerRoutine,bool)
at Terraria.WindowsLaunch.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
~/TerrTest/linux32/steamapps/content/app_105600/depot_105602$ ./tModLoaderServer.bin.x86_64

Better to make a plugin out of it, rather than making an entire new exe file.
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I am trying to find the instructions to load this onto my server. Can someone please send me a link or is there a straightforward way to load this mod. I am new to tmodloader coming from tshock. Thanks in advance!
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