Slime Staff Grinder

Korok 🪓

The Destroyer
Place a slime statue next to a lever. To the left of the statue place a 1/4 second timer. Put a wire through it all. Using a lunar portal staff, summon the lunar portal and turn the machine on. In a few minutes you could have yourself a slime staff.
Place a slime statue next to a lever. To the left of the statue place a 1/4 second timer. Put a wire through it all. Using a lunar portal staff, summon the lunar portal and turn the machine on. In a few minutes you could have yourself a slime staff.
if you want to speed it up you could make a hoik engine to get activations every tick instead of 4 times per second, and also use up to 3 slime statues. should also be noted that this also produces a lot of gel, which is great if you need gel but can become an issue grinding for slime staff.
if you want to speed it up you could make a hoik engine to get activations every tick instead of 4 times per second, and also use up to 3 slime statues. should also be noted that this also produces a lot of gel, which is great if you need gel but can become an issue grinding for slime staff.
Statues have a half a second cooldown, using a hoik engine will not help.

But if you want a slime staff, no need for lunar stuff, it is doable pre boss.
Just find a trap underground for the wire, place the slime statue on its path submerged in lava to kill the slimes, and activate the wire using a pressure plate track with its ends hammered to be bumpers. Activation via a simple pressure plate and a hoik also works.
Statues have a half a second cooldown, using a hoik engine will not help.

But if you want a slime staff, no need for lunar stuff, it is doable pre boss.
Just find a trap underground for the wire, place the slime statue on its path submerged in lava to kill the slimes, and activate the wire using a pressure plate track with its ends hammered to be bumpers. Activation via a simple pressure plate and a hoik also works.
I wonder why they let "Slime Statue" and "Armed Zombie Statue" drop items with traps and lava when all the rest of the statues that make monsters are no longer possible as the official wiki says currently.
Statues have a half a second cooldown, using a hoik engine will not help.

But if you want a slime staff, no need for lunar stuff, it is doable pre boss.
Just find a trap underground for the wire, place the slime statue on its path submerged in lava to kill the slimes, and activate the wire using a pressure plate track with its ends hammered to be bumpers. Activation via a simple pressure plate and a hoik also works.
You can also throw active stone blocks to shimmer and get wires to craft a 1 second timer
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