Humorous Snarpiism: The World's First Crab-Rounded Religion


Pixel Pirate
... that's really just about it...

no jk :p

This is the story (and dialogue) of how Snarpiism came to be:

In art class, my friend Ozhan made a clay demented crab.

"Hey ,I have a name for that demented crab." I say.

"What is it?" he asks.

dramatic pause...

"Magisnarp" I laugh.

Ozhan cracks up, and later in the day we make a religion.

So... yeah.

Before you even ask, yes, you can keep your actual religion; this is just for :red:s and giggles.

To be a Snarpist, you must wear a pink shirt at least once a month and cannot eat cat. you must also have Skype. You must attend church every Saturday at 11:30 AM (actually, it is just a Skype group).

To say you are officially a Snarpist, you must PM me your Skype username (not screen name!) and takje the pledge:

I am a snarpist.

I understand the lord Magisnarp's first words, "Pie is to pie like pie is to pie"

I will attend church and wear pink

I will be a derp.

sign name here x_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

- Stuxnet
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