PC So I found this in the game files...


I was browsing through the Steam Version of Terraria's game files and I stumbled across a folder called 'MoonExplosion' [Found in Content > Images > Misc > MoonExplosion]. In that folder there were 5 files titled Explosion.xnb, Head.xnb, Shoulder.xnb, Spine.xnb and Torso.xnb. I tried opening them in Notepad and all i got was weird text that seemed like a coded message. I tried opening it with an Image viewing software and it just came up as "Image Invalid".

I'm not a computer geek, so does anybody know what this is? Is it just me being stupid and not realizing something obvious or was it deliberately added as an Easter egg or something? I mean it could be an event but I don't think I have come across it yet.
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