PC Softcore Expertmode


Hello! I am willing to start a new Softcore Expertmode world. If you want to play with me, please reply with your Steam username or profile page link. I don't really care about the age, I am 14 by the way. Please have a Skype account with a microphone since I really don't like to play only just trough chat. I also don't really care if you are nooby or really pro.I've beaten the Moon Lord on 7 different characters, and I still can't say I'm good at the game, because I'm really dumb :p, and please don't be immature. See you on Terraria!
Hello! I am willing to start a new Softcore Expertmode world. If you want to play with me, please reply with your Steam username or profile page link. I don't really care about the age, I am 14 by the way. Please have a Skype account with a microphone since I really don't like to play only just trough chat. I also don't really care if you are nooby or really pro.I've beaten the Moon Lord on 7 different characters, and I still can't say I'm good at the game, because I'm really dumb :p, and please don't be immature. See you on Terraria!
Hey im looking for somebody too play with on a new/ relatively new world using also a new character so this seems perfect too me haha ;)i have skype and headset, NLnaga = username
This seems nice, but I can only eventually skype, and not very often, cuz overprotective parents lel
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