Other Some Sounds Are Irritating

Does the pixie's sound irritate your ears?

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A few sounds i can think of like the pixie sound or the bat squeaking sound i find can be very hard on my ears. It seems to be the pixie sound more than anything else with how it fades with the jingle. Older people might not be able to hear the sounds or possibly find them nowhere as irritating as younger people like me do. I just feel that a few sounds in the game should be altered because of this. That's my opinion though, so give me any thoughts you might think. Thanks :D
Are you using headphones? That's when sounds can get pretty painful.

Also, silence the lava children already!!!

Btw, I do know what sound you mean from the pixie.
Thankfully I can't hear anything unusual.
I think I know what you mean though. I have the same problem with Skyrim's restoration spell sound and a neighbour's ultrasonic cat repellent device. It's like needles of sound being pressed inside my brain. :confused:
Pixie's sound never bothered me, but mana crystals drive me to the brink
Other wise I can't think of any particularly annoying sounds.
Maybe you should adjust your volume.
I am 11 (unlike how it says on my profile) and I only find the mana and heart Crystal too loud and grating. Though I am a bit hard of hearing, so that might mean something.
I never found any of the noises grating, really. I guess some people have more sensitive ears than others.