Dire Sigma Jan 27, 2018 Last night was a very chaotic night, as me and 10 other friends gathered up to play some DnD.
Dire Sigma May 12, 2016 [Stellaris] TFW your species of reptilians infiltrates machine age earth's government...
Dire Sigma May 9, 2016 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNzLERKtgMY I can't stop listening to this song.
Dire Sigma May 2, 2016 I'm pretty sure this is how Wrestling works. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSRGg8ee4r4
Dire Sigma Apr 14, 2016 It's raining pretty damn hard over here, perfect weather to just curl up in a blanket and watch youtube
It's raining pretty damn hard over here, perfect weather to just curl up in a blanket and watch youtube
Dire Sigma Apr 8, 2016 My role on TCF is that one guy who posts something forgettable and then disappears for a certain period of time.
My role on TCF is that one guy who posts something forgettable and then disappears for a certain period of time.
Dire Sigma Mar 27, 2016 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ywaR-Lq_ayk I don't know where I keep finding these.