Switch Switch console Issues


I'm not sure if this has been posted up before or not. However I've been experiencing some issues on the switch ver. My issue is with summon pets, and light source pets. I currently have a dino for pet and a shadow orb for a pet and no matter what I do I can't de-summon them. Even if i choose a new pet and go to summon it my old pet still remains. Dose anyone know to de-summon them or turn buffs off?
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Hi, I just took a quick peek at my own shadow orb. Go to equipment, highlight your pet, and press ZL to Toggle Visibility. You can also highlight the pet's icon and press A to Try Removing. And if you're playing handheld, you can also tap on the icon, and it will disappear.

Never knew they didn't despawn when you remove them. How weird!

edit - Also really sorry not to respond quicker. Only go on every so often, so you probably already figured this out. :nursenaughty:
I do not want to sound petty or ungrateful but I bought the game on PC for 10$ with the the current version, but on switch I have to pay 20$ extra to for a version of the the game that not even on par with the other console version which are also cheaper than the switch version. All I want to know is I if I drop the 30$ for the swith version how long will I have to wait for versio 1.3.4 to come out?
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