Terraria day counter/overlay?

Master Nikslg

Hello everyone, I was planning on doing hardcore expert (of Terraria ofc) streaming pretty much soon and was thinking of one specific idea.
And I need help.
I need an a program that acts as overlay - counter that goes up every 24 minutes (1 day/night cycle of Terraria)
Does anybody have a suggestion for it?
I tried searching for Timer/Counter overlay app but maybe I am looking for a wrong thing?
Thanks in advance.
Maybe try to find a modifiable timer that allows you to specify certain things like 1 hour = 24 minutes (so the hour counter would be the day counter) or speed up the timer so that the hour counter goes up as fast as the minute counter and the minute counter goes up as fast as the second counter. I'll look around and see what I can find.

EDIT: I can't find anything that you can modify as freely as I suggested earlier, but there might be a way to get around that. Are you by chance using an overlay because you want to finish the game in a certain amount of days? Cause if you are, you could render out a timer/clock and use it on your stream. (For this next part I'm going to assume you use Sony Vegas or Premiere Pro as those are the two most popular programs used to edit to my knowledge)

If you don't know how to create a clock or a timer you can check here for a Premiere Pro tutorial:

And you can check here for a Sony Vegas Tutorial:

If you size up the clock to be the entire size of the screen you can scale down the entire thing later and won't have to worry about cropping too much. All you have to do is extend the timer so that the hour counter hits the amount of days you want to limit yourself to (if you just want to count the days and don't want to limit yourself you could just extend the timer to a point you think you won't go past and hope for the best). Then you just render out the timer, place the video back into the editing software of your choice, and speed the footage up so that minutes go by as if they were seconds (to achieve that you probably need to speed it up 2x, but I'm too lazy to do the math so don't take my word for it). Then render that out and place it into the encoding software of your choice (I'm going to assume you're using OBS)

Make sure the timer is above the game in the layers as seen here:


"totally a timer" being the timer and "Terraria" being Terraria.

I'm not entirely sure how to scale things in OBS but the placeholder for the timer I used (which is the red picture that says "BOOP" near the top) was already really small, so I can't help you there. You can also color key out the background of the timer, which is why i made the background of mine red. If you want me to go in further detail about that, I can, but for now I'll just show you this picture of what it looks like:


Hope I helped!
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Maybe try to find a modifiable timer that allows you to specify certain things like 1 hour = 24 minutes (so the hour counter would be the day counter) or speed up the timer so that the hour counter goes up as fast as the minute counter and the minute counter goes up as fast as the second counter. I'll look around and see what I can find.

EDIT: I can't find anything that you can modify as freely as I suggested earlier, but there might be a way to get around that. Are you by chance using an overlay because you want to finish the game in a certain amount of days? Cause if you are, you could render out a timer/clock and use it on your stream. (For this next part I'm going to assume you use Sony Vegas or Premiere Pro as those are the two most popular programs used to edit to my knowledge)

If you don't know how to create a clock or a timer you can check here for a Premiere Pro tutorial:

And you can check here for a Sony Vegas Tutorial:

If you size up the clock to be the entire size of the screen you can scale down the entire thing later and won't have to worry about cropping too much. All you have to do is extend the timer so that the hour counter hits the amount of days you want to limit yourself to (if you just want to count the days and don't want to limit yourself you could just extend the timer to a point you think you won't go past and hope for the best). Then you just render out the timer, place the video back into the editing software of your choice, and speed the footage up so that minutes go by as if they were seconds (to achieve that you probably need to speed it up 2x, but I'm too lazy to do the math so don't take my word for it). Then render that out and place it into the encoding software of your choice (I'm going to assume you're using OBS)

Make sure the timer is above the game in the layers as seen here:

View attachment 151297

"totally a timer" being the timer and "Terraria" being Terraria.

I'm not entirely sure how to scale things in OBS but the placeholder for the timer I used (which is the red picture that says "BOOP" near the top) was already really small, so I can't help you there. You can also color key out the background of the timer or day counter, which is why i made the background of mine red. If you want me to go in further detail about that, I can, but for now I'll just show you this picture of what it looks like:

View attachment 151298

Hope I helped! if you are in search of Chalets for sale service. check out the link here Chalets for sale in Byblos Lebanon
Hello. I'm new here. sorry for my noob question please bear with me. Is it possible to make a procedure that count in game days? im trying to make an overlay that displays how many mc days you have survived.
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