Mobile Terraria Mobile 1.3 Release Date Revealed!

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I mean this game and community is just peaceful, I’m in much forums but this already my loved one. (Sorry for bad English skills, I’m excited for the update, so I can’t concentrate<3)
Don't worry,my English is worst because I am not even English x)
And yes, it's so peaceful,when you feel down,juste come here and the community will talk to you friendly, it's incredible, it's totally different FromUndertale/Pokémon community
It's sad that we won't see mobile-only exclusive items/bosses. For people who played PC version, and then going to mobile version, it wouldn't be just an exact copy of gameplay. There would be new bosses like Ocram, Lepus, Turkor. Player would meet new enemies, obtain new armor, weapons, pets... Sad
It's sad that we won't see mobile-only exclusive items/bosses. For people who played PC version, and then going to mobile version, it wouldn't be just an exact copy of gameplay. There would be new bosses like Ocram, Lepus, Turkor. Player would meet new enemies, obtain new armor, weapons, pets... Sad
yeah...but the saddest thing about them was, that with update 1.2,they were obsolete, hallowed armor was better across all classes,atleast for my playstyle
This is really cool, we will really have Terraria 1.3, I have been waiting for 3 years and all the same I have been waiting.
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