Linux Terraria Server Ubuntu 14.04 on AWS.



I started a instance on AWS to run a dedicated server. The server version is Ubuntu 14.04 on a 64bit processor.

That said, I download the Terraria Linux Server, extracted it and ran ..
First off, when I ran the TerrariaServer, I got this error:

ubuntu@ip-172-31-17-???:~/terraria/terraria-server-linux-1308$ ./TerrariaServer
./TerrariaServer: line 38: ./TerrariaServer.bin.x86: No such file or directory

So I tried to run the /TerrariaServer.bin.x86_64 version .. it works fine, it creates one world and initializes the server, but when I connect to the server, after a few seconds, I got this error:

Starting server...
Server started
Terraria Server v1.3.0.8

Listening on port 7777
Type 'help' for a list of commands.

: 186.201.134.???:63986 is connecting...
186.201.134.???:63986 is connecting...
testing has joined.
Could not allocate 1286856 bytes

at <unknown> <0xffffffff>
at Terraria.NPC.UpdateNPC (int) <0x04c75>
at Terraria.Main.Update (Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GameTime) <0x096dd>
at Terraria.Main.DedServ () <0x021fd>
at Terraria.Program.LaunchGame (string[]) <0x0015c>
at Terraria.LinuxLaunch.Main (string[]) <0x00049>
at (wrapper runtime-invoke) <Module>.runtime_invoke_void_object (object,intptr,intptr,intptr) <0xffffffff>

Native stacktrace:

/home/ubuntu/terraria/terraria-server-linux-1308/lib64/ [0x7f111c5fc18a]
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f111c1a0d40]
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f111c1a0cc9]
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f111c1a40d8]
/home/ubuntu/terraria/terraria-server-linux-1308/lib64/ [0x7f111c792af5]
/home/ubuntu/terraria/terraria-server-linux-1308/lib64/ [0x7f111c792b9f]

/home/ubuntu/terraria/terraria-server-linux-1308/lib64/ [0x7f111c7927a6]
/home/ubuntu/terraria/terraria-server-linux-1308/lib64/ [0x7f111c6bbc09]
/home/ubuntu/terraria/terraria-server-linux-1308/lib64/ [0x7f111c5ce54c]
/home/ubuntu/terraria/terraria-server-linux-1308/lib64/ [0x7f111c5670f6]
/home/ubuntu/terraria/terraria-server-linux-1308/lib64/ [0x7f111c569871]
/home/ubuntu/terraria/terraria-server-linux-1308/lib64/ [0x7f111c56a42b]
/home/ubuntu/terraria/terraria-server-linux-1308/lib64/ [0x7f111c5fe9d1]

Debug info from gdb:

Got a SIGABRT while executing native code. This usually indicates
a fatal error in the mono runtime or one of the native libraries
used by your application.

Aborted (core dumped)

I then tried to install mono with apt-get but that didn't worked either. Any ideas?

Thank you very much!
Well .. if someone else had the same problem, I found out the solution ..

The instance I was using did not had the necessary amount of RAM to run .. I was using a t2.micro instance and changed to t2.small and everything seems to work.

I haven't tested with a lot of people, but with 3 players runs smoothly.
Well .. if someone else had the same problem, I found out the solution ..

The instance I was using did not had the necessary amount of RAM to run .. I was using a t2.micro instance and changed to t2.small and everything seems to work.

I haven't tested with a lot of people, but with 3 players runs smoothly.

How much is the small instance costing you?
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