Pixel Art Terraria Spriting Carnival 2

Shaded Hypnotoad.
Shaded hypnotoad.png
I made what I think a "True Breaker Blade" would look like.
True Breaker Blade.png

That or this one
True Breaker Blade 2.png

And as a side-by-side
True Breaker Blade.png
True Breaker Blade 2.png

Not sure which one I like better

Could I get some feedback?

Also making some sort of ring sword weapon. Just gotta shade the ring itself. And I might change it up later.
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The first two are meant to be possible True Breaker Blades. And the third is just something totally different. I am not really sure how to add that "True" styled detail, but I like those two a pretty big amount in their design. Anything I could do to possibly improve them?
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