tModLoader Terraria's WAILA (TWAILA) Mod



A Terraria mod that displays the name, mod, and texture of the tile you are looking at in the world

For those who don't know WAILA is a Minecraft mod by ProfMobius which stands for What Am I Looking At and is a fantastic quality of life that tells you information about the blocks you put your cursor on. This mod attempts to replicate this functionality for Terraria by providing a panel at the top of the screen that updates when you put you cursor on different tiles. Works for vanilla and modded tiles.

Github: Jadams505/Twaila
Steam: Twaila Homepage
1.4.4 Release: v0.4.0.4
1.4 Release: v0.3.0.0
1.3 Release: v0.4.0.0

Terraria_ Shut Up and Dig Gaiden! 2_26_2022 12_10_50 AM (3).png
Terraria_ Shut Up and Dig Gaiden! 2_26_2022 12_33_18 AM (2).png
Terraria_ Shut Up and Dig Gaiden! 2_26_2022 12_34_20 AM (2).png
When AntiCheat is enabled only the tiles that have been revealed will update on the UI. This is most evident with the mini-map but also applies to tiles revealed by spelunker and dangersense potions.

Here you can decide what should be displayed on the UI panel
Terraria_ Shut Up and Dig Gaiden! 3_30_2022 8_45_48 PM (2).png
Terraria_ Shut Up and Dig Gaiden! 3_30_2022 8_45_35 PM (2).png
Terraria_ Shut Up and Dig Gaiden! 3_30_2022 8_45_21 PM (2).png

  • UseDefaultPosition: Centers the panel on the top of the screen
  • LockPosition: When the panel is unlocked it can be moved by the mouse
  • AnchorX: Describes what vertical part of the panel is always constant regardless of how the content changes.
    • Left: The panel will expand to the right
    • Center: The panel will expand (left and right) evenly from the center
    • Right The content will expand to the left
  • AnchorY: Describes what horizontal part of the panel is always constant regardless of how the content changes.
    • Top: The panel will expand downwards
    • Center: The panel will expand (up and down) evenly from the center
    • Bottom: The content will expand upwards
  • AnchorPosX: The exact X pixel location of the anchor point.
  • AnchorPosY: The exact Y pixel location of the anchor point.
You want to position the panel so that it is always right next to the mini-map. Using the settings
AnchorX = Right
AnchorY = Bottom
AnchorPosX = 1619 (This will likely be different based on monitor size and UI Scale)
AnchorPosY = 334 (This will likely be different based on monitor size and UI Scale)
Guarantees that the panel will always remain next to the bottom left of the mini-map regardless of its size

Terraria_ Rise of the Slimes 3_20_2022 5_23_21 PM (3).png
Terraria_ Rise of the Slimes 3_20_2022 5_23_17 PM (3).png
Terraria_ Rise of the Slimes 3_20_2022 5_23_07 PM (3).png

You want to center the panel on the bottom of the screen instead of the top. Using the settings
AnchorX = Center
AnchorY = Bottom
AnchorPosX = 960 (This will likely be different based on monitor size and UI Scale)
AnchorPosY = 1080 (This will likely be different based on monitor size and UI Scale)
Guarantees that the panel will always remain centered at the bottom of the screen

Terraria_ Rise of the Slimes 3_20_2022 6_12_24 PM (2).png
Terraria_ Rise of the Slimes 3_20_2022 6_12_06 PM (2).png
Terraria_ Rise of the Slimes 3_20_2022 6_11_55 PM (2).png

  • MaxWidth, MaxHeight: The maximum percentage of the screen the panel can be
  • PanelPadding: How much space there is (in pixels) between the content and the edge of the panel
  • CycleDelay: The number of ticks before the panel cycles types (Tile -> Wall -> Liquid -> Tile). This is only relevant when the tile that is being hovered over has multiples types.
ContentSettings are the settings that describe what to do with the content when it is too big for the panel. The settings are as follows:

Shrink as the name suggests scales the content so that it will fit inside the panel. Depending on what your ReservedImageWidth is will determine if the text, image, both, or neither will be shrunk. It is important to note that this only shrinks and does not enlarge, so the content will only get smaller not larger to fit the panel's dimensions. Also it applies uniform scaling meaning that it will retain its aspect ratio when scaling and not stretch to fill the entire space.
Terraria_ May the blocks be with you 3_20_2022 10_28_20 PM (2).png
Trim cuts the content off so that it fits inside the panel. Again depending on what your ReservedImageWidth is will determine if the text, image, both, or neither will be trimmed. Images are trimmed to the exact pixel, whereas text it trimmed by character.
Terraria_ May the blocks be with you 3_20_2022 10_28_29 PM (2).png
Overflow is largely useless and lets the content extend beyond its boundaries regardless of the panels dimensions. This will not extend the panel beyond its boundaries, as the content will just be drawn outside/beyond the panel.
Terraria_ May the blocks be with you 3_20_2022 10_28_38 PM (2).png

HoverOpacity changes how visible the panel is when the cursor is hovering over it. It ranges from 0-1 where 0 is invisible and 1 is fully visible.
Below shows the HoverOpacity starting from 0.25 (the default) and going to 1 in 0.25 increments
Terraria_ Shut Up and Dig Gaiden! 3_30_2022 9_01_23 PM (2).png
Terraria_ Shut Up and Dig Gaiden! 3_30_2022 9_02_02 PM (2).png
Terraria_ Shut Up and Dig Gaiden! 3_30_2022 9_03_39 PM (2).png
Terraria_ Shut Up and Dig Gaiden! 3_30_2022 9_02_48 PM (2).png

Determines how the panel updates either Automatic or Manual

In Automatic mode the panel will switch Contexts (Tile, Wall, Liquid, etc) automatically depending on the specified CycleDelay config. You can still use the Next Context and Previous Context keys to cycle between the available contexts associated with the mouse position

In Manual mode the only way to switch Contexts is with the Next Context and Previous Context keybinds

Whether or not the background panel is displayed.
Terraria_ Shut Up and Dig Gaiden! 3_30_2022 9_12_50 PM (2).png
Terraria_ Shut Up and Dig Gaiden! 3_30_2022 9_12_37 PM (2).png

The UI will always be visible.
The UI will never be visible.
The UI will turn toggle its visibility based on the Automatic Options listed below

These options only apply if the UIDisplay setting is set to Automatic
This will hide the UI when hovering over air tiles.

Changes the color of the background panel.
Terraria_ Shut Up and Dig Gaiden! 3_30_2022 9_33_59 PM (2).png
Terraria_ Shut Up and Dig Gaiden! 3_30_2022 9_30_57 PM (2).png
Terraria_ Shut Up and Dig Gaiden! 3_30_2022 9_30_32 PM (2).png

Displays a black border around the text
Terraria_ Shut Up and Dig Gaiden! 3_30_2022 9_43_42 PM (2).png
Terraria_ Shut Up and Dig Gaiden! 3_30_2022 9_43_53 PM (2).png

Overrides any pre-existing colors on the text. Some mods add color to the name of their mods so this is only relevant if you are using one of those. For example The Stars Above mod has their mod name in a pink/purple color. If OverrideColor is ON then the color of the mod's text will replaced by your specified Text Color.
Terraria_ Shut Up and Dig Gaiden! 3_30_2022 10_02_54 PM (2).png

But if OverrideColor is OFF then no matter what your Text Color is the mod's pre-defined color will always take precedence.
Terraria_ Shut Up and Dig Gaiden! 3_30_2022 10_03_08 PM (2).png
Terraria_ Shut Up and Dig Gaiden! 3_30_2022 10_03_37 PM (2).png
Terraria_ Shut Up and Dig Gaiden! 3_30_2022 10_04_19 PM (2).png

Changes the color of the panel's text
Terraria_ Shut Up and Dig Gaiden! 3_30_2022 10_14_34 PM (2).png
Terraria_ Shut Up and Dig Gaiden! 3_30_2022 10_12_46 PM (2).png

Priotizes displaying the texture of the item that places the tile as opposed to the texture of the tile itself (Only works for tiles that have items that place them)
UseItemTextures: Off
UseItemTextures: On
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Terraria_ Rise of the Slimes 3_20_2022 6_32_18 PM (2).png
Terraria_ Rise of the Slimes 3_20_2022 6_31_47 PM (2).png
Terraria_ Rise of the Slimes 3_20_2022 6_31_56 PM (2).png
ReservedImageWidth is the percentage of the panel that is reserved for the image if the text and image do not fit on the panel

The relevant settings are as follows:
MaxWidth = 10%
ContentSetting = Trim
ReservedImageWidth = 25%
Terraria_ May the blocks be with you 3_20_2022 9_11_23 PM (2).png

Here 25% of the panel's width is less than the width of the image so it is cut off. This leaves 75% of the panel's width for the text which is also less than the full text's width and as a result is also trimmed.

ReservedImageWidth = 100%
Terraria_ May the blocks be with you 3_20_2022 9_11_41 PM (2).png

Setting the ReservedImageWidth to 100% means that the image is allowed to take up the entire panel. However this image does not need to take up the entire panel because it is not that big. Thus the text can use the remaining space.

ReservedImageWidth = 0%
Terraria_ May the blocks be with you 3_20_2022 9_11_54 PM (2).png

Similarly a ReservedImageWidth of 0% means that all the panel's space can be allocated to the text. In this example 100% of the panel's width is still not enough to fit the text resulting in the text being trimmed off and the image missing.

It is important to note that setting the ReservedImageWidth to 0% does not guarantee that the image will disappear. For example this was taken with the same settings:
Terraria_ May the blocks be with you 3_20_2022 9_25_59 PM (2).png

Because the text does not take up 100% or greater of the panel's width there is still room on the panel for the image to be added to the panel and still be within the bounds of the MaxWidth. Thus the remaining space is filled with the image.

The relevant settings are as follows:
MaxWidth = 10%
ContentSetting = Shrink
ReservedImageWidth = 25%
Terraria_ May the blocks be with you 3_20_2022 9_45_45 PM (2).png

Here the image is shrunk to fit into 25% of the panels width and the text to 75% of the panel's width

ReservedImageWidth = 100%
Terraria_ May the blocks be with you 3_20_2022 9_46_42 PM (2).png

Setting the ReservedImageWidth to 100% means that the image is allowed to take up the entire panel. As a result the image does not need to shrink and takes up its normal width. However the text needs to shrink more to fill in the empty space.

ReservedImageWidth = 0%
Terraria_ May the blocks be with you 3_20_2022 9_46_19 PM (2).png

A ReservedImageWidth of 0% means that all the panel's space can be allocated to the text. In this example giving the text 100% of the texts width, still results in the text needing to shrink and as a result the image is removed.

Again like in the trim example it is important to note that a ReservedImageWidth of 0% does not always mean that the image is removed
Terraria_ May the blocks be with you 3_20_2022 9_59_39 PM (2).png

Since the text does not take up the full 100% of the space, the image shrinks into the remaining space.
  • Cycle UI Display Mode (Mouse3 by default): Cycles through the UIDisplay options
  • Next Context (Right Arrow by default): Cycles the UI contents forwards
  • Previous Context (Left Arrow by default): Cycles the UI contents backwards
  • Cycle Context Mode(Up Arrow by default): Cycles between Automatic and Manual context modes
v0.4.0.0 (4/12/2022)
- Added Walls and Liquids to the UI
- The panel now cycles through tile types (tile, wall, liquid) if more than one type applies
v0.3.1.0 (3/30/2022)
- Added more config options including AntiCheat, TextShadow, ContentToggles, and Colors
- Fixed an issue where item textures would not default to tile textures if no item texture was found
- The panel's text can how handle text tags
- Toggle UI was changed to Cycle UI Display Mode to allow for the new Automatic display option
- Plants now properly display on the UI when in their blooming state
v0.3.0.0 (3/20/2022)
- Added configuration settings for positioning and anchoring
- The panel can now be moved with the mouse
- Added the Trim, Shrink, and Overflow options to handle content that is too big for the panel
v0.2.2.1 (3/12/2022)
- Fixed a game crash when hovering over a giant mushroom
v0.2.2.0 (3/9/2022)
- Fixed issues with tiles that have extra data or can be activiated (Doors, Campfires, etc)
- Fixed several incorrect or missing item textures
- Fixed naming for locked chests and the enchanted sword shrine
v0.2.1.0 (3/2/2022)
- Gave names to tiles that don't technically have names in vanilla Terraria
- Many name and texture fixes
v0.2.0.0 (2/26/2022)
- UI Scaling now works properly with the UI
- The UI updates more efficiently
- Fixed an issue where the UI would update with tiles that were off screen
- The UI now explicitly prioritizes smart cursor over mouse coordinates
- The default texture is now the confused buff texture
v0.1.3.0 (2/18/2022)
- Cacti now display the proper name and texture on the UI
v0.1.2.0 (2/13/2022)
- Saplings now display the proper name on the UI
v0.1.1.0 (2/12/2022)
- Trees now display the proper name and texture on the UI
- Fixed a blurry texture issue
v0.1.0.1 (2/11/2022)
- Initial Release
- The UI Panel displays the name, mod, and texture of most tiles in vanilla and modded terraria
v0.3.0.0 (9/23/2022)
- Added support for vanilla tile entities (Mannequins, Item Frames, Plates, etc)
- Added the ShowContainedItems content toggle
- Increased the default for MaxWidth and MaxHeight to 40
v0.2.4.2 (8/16/2022)
- Chinese Translations added thanks to SweelLong
- Added pickaxe power to the recommended pickaxe line
- Fixed an issue with incorrectly recommending the strongest pickaxe
- Fixed issues with the following tiles: Gelatin Crystal, Marble Column, Beds, Locked Temple Door
v0.2.4.1 (7/29/2022)
- Fixed an issue with HideUIForAir and the Lock Context
- Renamed Lock Context to Cycle Context Mode
v0.2.4.0 (7/09/2022)
- Added a Lock Context config option and keybind toggle to allow for more control of the panel
- Added a Previous Context keybind
- Removed the Pause Cycling keybind
- Fixed a issue with campfire naming
- Echo blocks are now properly blocked by AntiCheat
v0.2.3.0 (6/25/2022)
- Added modded water style support
- Added internal name support
- Fixed out of bounds issue with pickaxes
v0.2.2.1 (6/22/2022)
- Fixed certain items not toggling properly
v0.2.2.0 (6/14/2022)
- Added the Next Context keybind to allow for manual cycling of the UI
- Added support for the Id of the tile/wall/liquid
- Fixed an issue where the panel icons would not change opacity when the panel was being hovered over
- Fixed issues with tree texture framing
v0.2.1.0 (5/18/2022)
- A Pause Cycling keybind was added that stops the UI from cycling when held down
- A green check or red X was added to the front of the pickaxe power line depending on if the held pickaxe can mine the tile
- Added a recommended pickaxe icon that cycles through pickaxes that can mine the tile
- Added text based versions of the info icons
v0.2.0.0 (5/9/2022)
- Added support for wires, paint color, and pickaxe power
- Minor bug fixes
v0.1.3.0 (4/27/2022)
- Fixed 1.4 walls
- Fixed an issue with trees grown on mowed grass
- Fixed campfires in their unlit form
v0.1.2.0 (4/22/2022)
- Fixed the majority of 1.4 tiles
v0.1.1.0 (4/20/2022)
- Fixed vanity and gem trees
- Fixed bamboo and seaweed
v0.1.0.0 (4/18/2022)
- Port of the 1.3 (v0.4.0.0) version
- Item ids are now indexed by tile to greatly increase performance
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