Story The Adventures Of Levi


Skeletron Prime
Hello everyone!
I've decided to start my first fan fiction!
I hope you like it and remember this is my first fan fiction!

Levi woke up in a field of flowers near a forest, he looked around and saw someone

"Ummm hello?"

The man spun around and said: "Oh you finally woke up"

"Who are you?"

The man replied: "Oh sorry, excuse my manners, my name is Andrew, and yours?"

Levi replied: "My name is Levi, but i don't know where i am,could you point me in the right direction?"

Andrew turned around and gazed at the sky saying: "You are in Terraria". Andrew quickly turned around and said:"We'll need a house if we're going to survive the night"

Levi looked stunned "Ter-ra-ya? And what, survive the night?"

Andrew then said: "I'll explain this at night when we're safely in our house, but first of all you're going to need to cut down some trees with your axe, by the way it's in your backpack

Levi put his hand behind his back and pulled out an axe, this took Levi completely by surprise

"Wh-What?" Levi then started cutting trees, after dozens of trees he realized his backpack was infinite, then Levi started to build, it was actually quite easy he just needed to touch the wood with the ground.

After he was done Andrew said: “Well done but it isn’t finished, we need a workbench, a chair, and some sort of lighting.”

Levi managed to make some sort of magic table through, it he could make different items, after Levi was done with the chair, he asked Andrew about lighting: ”How do I make lights?

Andrew responded: “See those globs of goo? They’re slimes-“

“Yeah any mass of goo is called slime” Levi said while rolling his eyes

Andrew continued: “Ahem* when you kill those slimes you’ll get gel, attach gel to wood and bam! Torches! You’ll find your sword in your backpack”

Levi took his sword out of his backpack and started slashing at slimes, after a while he finally made 3 torches, as Levi was placing them in the house, the sun started to set

Andrew quickly ran in the house and said: “Okay we’ll be safe from the monsters”

Levi looked confused: “Monsters?”

Andrew replied: “I’ll explain it now

“I am your guide, I’ll help you in your quest here, by giving you information, so to understand you’ll need to learn the history of this place”

“Once a long time ago there were no monsters. There was peace and calm, although one day someone saw a forest which was purple and ruined, a group set out to explore it but only two came back alive and they were not telling anyone anything, in fact the only thing they would say was mutter a few things under their breath. Soon monsters started appearing, and the forest began spreading.

Many people were killed as no one knew what was happening, although soon even fiercer creatures started appearing. Then a giant creature, people call him the Moon Lord, arrived. He sealed the corruption, preventing it from spreading and then trapped its very soul in the underworld, along with the soul of light. Then the Moon Lord cast several curses to many places and beings and said: ”One day a hero will stop the evil and break all the curses”. As the Moon Lord finished he disappeared. Oh and you are the chosen one”

Levi said: ”Wait I’m the chosen one?”

”Well let’s see here, you fell from the sky, had a magical backpack that could hold an endless amount of things, and you managed to make a house just after you woke up from your concussion.” Andrew responded with hints of irritation

“Oh yeah now I understand” Levi quickly said

“Okay so in the morning we can go mining to get you better gear.” Andrew said while yawning

Levi looked out the door window and saw zombies and disembodied eyeballs, “Ughhhh”. He thought to himself while shuddering

Levi turned around and said: “Will the zombies leave at sun rise?

Andrew sleepily replied: “Yeah they always do”

Levi settled down onto the floor and said: “Good night”
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