Wall of Flesh
Logo made from @darthmorf's Terraria Logo Maker
Map by D3RP/\TRON
This map has a discord!
So, hello there! I decided to create a map! This map is called the Elemental Doors.
This map will be about 6 Doors based on Elements. After all of them are ventured through, a final one will open.
This map design seems a bit cliche' obviously, but I am going to try to make it different.
And I will do so with... MODS!
I dunno if that was the best decision honestly, but I can do a lot more with it now.
The Mod list is due to come shortly.
Well, there's not much more I can say here about that map.
This would be where I have Credits, Mods, and Spoilers but I don't have any yet.
I guess just stay tuned for now, eventually, all of that is to come soon.
Thanks for reading this!