Humorous The Newbies guide to n00bs


First of all, what is the difference between a newb and a n00b? Let me explain with a few casual examples.

Ex. 1
Random Person: Hello!
Newb: Hi!

Ex. 2
Admin: You have [done something wrong], please do not do it again.
Newb: Oh I'm sorry! I didn't know you weren't supposed to do that, it won't happen again!
n00b: Lelsweg ur an fegit I fikad u dun gun boom LOLOLOLOLOLO

Ex. 3
Newb: Sorry for being a newbie, but how do I [honest thing many beginners have a problem with]?
n00b: *Attempts to kill a player with a hook, proceeds to try to escape with a flail, dodges a bunny in fear*

As you can see a newb is seriously trying to unnewb themselves, n00bs are just stupid.
N00bs can also become dangerous on forums, I sure hope a cluster of n00bs never come close to the Terraria forums; that would be utter catastrophe! Imagine them trying to comprehend the working society of the Forums! The forums will be bombarded in troll attempts written in n00bish!
Wich brings the next difference between a newb and a n00b.

Newbs speak a fully comprehensible english, in some places other languages, but the point is, smart languages. Among non-smart languages are n00bish, french-turkish and the noise that comes when you paint your tongue octarine. A short lesson in noobish follows:

Hello there sir=9-11 w4es un ensade jub u fegit.

That above features the most common parts. As for grammar just work in the general opposite of anything you know as grammar and you should be good. Generally a problem for non-n00bs is that n00bish requires a negative IQ score to get everything just right, but a nice trick that actually even fools some minor n00bs is to slam your face repeatedly against your keyboard while thinking of an irrelevant opinion.

And remember, if ever a n00bcluster infests a loved forum - your only hope is a 4chan raid. 4chan is like internet vaccine, it's actually just more n00bs... but not just n00bs... advanced n00bs. The idea is terrifying but once the n00bs are gone most of the 4channers will usually retreat back through the Gate Of 4chan...

This has been Ominick's guide to n00bs! Or, as the n00bs say; le guide Umurnock smurto dis bean!
Sir, I'm gonna have to ask to see your meme master license.
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