Items The terra block

hi guys.
i have some great idea to save time when you are building , wiring stuff.
do you feel interesting? good!

building or wiring in terraria have one critical issue.
whenever you make something new or want to move your creation
you have to do same thing like digging ,remember design and placing block.
that's a lot of wasting time especially when you spent most of time to building.

what i'm suggesting right now is "terra block"
it help to keep your creativity , save time , copying your design, it also help to communication with people.

let me show you how it works.

here is some of my creation
yeah this is very poor design
2.png 1.png

now let's say that i wanna move this to another world.
or maybe make another copy, so i can make this in jungle and corruption
but what if i have to make a lot more than just this.
like space ship or house.

"terra block" is like a blueprint of your creation.
when ever use "terra block" you are able to frame those blocks
and get a one blueprint item, i want to call it "Terraprint"
"Terraprint" item can be renamed just like chest.

if you have enough material you can craft placeable "name of terraprint" from Terraprint
so you can put that in another world(not the another world, just diffrent world)

also it could do same thing in wiring.

here is summary

Terra Block
-> Usable
-> frame blocks
-> result:get a Terra print

Terra Print
-> can be renamed
-> require material blocks,wires
-> you can crafting placeable "name of terra print" block

"name of terra print" block
-> placeable
-> overlapping original blocks (except chest)

yes i know this idea is very hard.
but i hope there is good way to not spent too time in building process

i'll be stick in this thread
if you have feedback
you know what to do :)
i hope you guys have good day.
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