[TML 1.4.4] Make NPCs drop tombstones on death.

MGTro (Dice)

Hello. I've been trying to make a new mod lately, but I don't understand how the new IEntitySource works.. I want to experiment by making town npcs drop tombstones on death, just like players do. But I come across this:

Item.NewItem(npc.GetSource_Death(), tombstone);

It wont let me go further because I don't have an IEntitySource thing added. Here's the full class:
using Terraria;
using Terraria.ID;
using Terraria.ModLoader;

namespace npcTombstones
    public class TombstoneNPC : GlobalNPC
        public override void OnKill(NPC npc)
            if (!npc.townNPC)
            Item tombstone = new Item();
            tombstone.position = npc.position;

            Item.NewItem(npc.GetSource_Death(), tombstone);

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