Blocks & Decoration Tweak: toggle weapon rack orientation with hammer

Matthew Cline

You should be able to toggle a weapon rack's orientation (with an item still inside it) simply by hitting it with a hammer. Right now you have to remove the item, remove the rack, put the rack back up, and the put the item back in (and remember which direction you should be facing when putting the rack up).
You should be able to toggle a weapon rack's orientation (with an item still inside it) simply by hitting it with a hammer. Right now you have to remove the item, remove the rack, put the rack back up, and the put the item back in (and remember which direction you should be facing when putting the rack up).
You actually have no idea how useful this would be. I run into this problem all the time and this is a nice, easy and simple fix. Good luck!
Not a bad idea. Potential technical difficulties but worth a conversation with the team. :)
Maybe also change the angle of the item placed?

Maybe remove the rack with a pick or axe and then have the hammer remove the item only and change the angle of the item with another button?
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