Game Mechanics Untying monitor resolution from minimum zoom/screen boundaries

Hello everyone! I'm here with an accessibility suggestion for PC that's apparently been sought out for awhile now! Tbh I'm not sure if it's really possible - I believe mobile & console have something that works but those are different platforms entirely. Anyway, let me explain what I mean first.

I've been a long-time player of Terraria, and have moved to PC after originally playing on mobile some 5 years before. I've gone through a handful of PC upgrades since then, but after a disastrous flood I've had to recess and use an older laptop for the time being. To my surprise, I found that my view into the game - my "screen boundaries" - shrunk by a handful of tiles, and that I can somehow see farther on my phone than I can on my laptop. I originally thought this was a hardware issue, so I just got used to it, but after some brief research I came across this on the wiki.


I've inserted footnote 4 into this post - it's a thread from 2014 talking about ways to work around this for anyone wondering. Results are probably gonna vary when tried now.

Anyhow, I've come with half a suggestion and half a question. I've done the above on mobile pre-1.3 to wonderful success after following a Youtube video, but (iirc) that was no longer necessary after one of the updates seeing how my friend had the same results despite not going through 3pp. Mobile again is a completely different ballpark, and this seems like an obvious enough idea that there's probably a fundamental reason for why it's not already a thing, but I'm curious on the why too, so...

At the risk of asking for the impossible: could there be a separate setting that lets you decide where your "screen boundaries" are, independent of your screen's resolution? Frame skip in mind, I would genuinely sacrifice my graphics to see farther out in-game. I already do it with this mod, though something coded into the base game would be better as modding has tighter limits (that one in particular doesn't render anything that isn't an entity past a certain point). I don't have the slightest idea on how it's done, but maybe Mobile has some solution, what with having a smaller screen and all that? I just wanna see the Moon Lord or some other boss in the distance without switching to my Binoculars or grabbing a gun & a Sniper Scope.

PS to the devs: y'all probably get this a lot, but thanks a ton for making this gem & for mingling with the community so often. Weird thing to sneak into a suggestion post ik, but I just wanna appreciate all the work put into this masterpiece (not to mention all the core memories it gave me). Gotta give credit where credit's due, no?
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