PS3 URGENT need help with water duplication

Ive looked at the youtube videos and read the wiki and did all this research and its really frustrating me, i can't get an infinite water source. tell me how. i don't know if its because its on console and they fixed all the water bugs or what. let me know if I'm SOL and have to run all the way to the oceans with a ton of buckets to get my water or if theres a way
let me know if I'm SOL

You might be SOL

On Xbox, theres a noticeable lag between switching to an empty bucket when emptying a bucket on your hotbar, it's even more annoying when you don't have a vanity head piece equipped because the bucket auto equips to the head slot :(

So it looks like for now you're

Running all the way to the oceans with a ton of buckets to get your water


You could run an outlet / inlet pump system from the ocean to [ insert destination here ]

I never use buckets anymore because of the inlet/outlet pumps. That's how I made my little lake thing in my artificial Crimson biome. Still won't fish in it, though - Herplings are everywhere in it.
set up a inlet pump at the bottom of the area, and then an outlet pump in a small basin above it. As long as there is block on both sides of it, over time, it will duplicate

Whoops almost to forgot to mention this. Connect it to a 1-second-timer for it to work :D
I've made a water, honey and lava duplicater on PS4. If you would like I'll send a screenshot of how it's done. You even get an obsidian, honey and burnt honey block supply!
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