Language Pack Vanilla en-US file?


Official Terrarian
Hey, first time posting here(That I remember at least) and I was wondering where someone can get the vanilla 1.4.3 en-US.json file? I've looked everywhere, and all I've found is a csv file and a way to extract the json files from the game in several parts with unusual names. Any help is appreciated. I feel like I had it at one point, but don't remember how I got it.
Thank you, but my issue is I don't really know how to work with the csv format, but I do know how to work with json. If the file I need doesn't actually exist I could probably figure out the csv, it just seems like a hassle just for making silly resource packs in a 2d block game.
I finally figured out how to make what I was looking for using the extracted files! If anyone finds this from google searching or anything you can download the one I made here!
Hi, I've actually worked on how to convert .csv (comma-separated value) into JSON a little while back. You can use the .csv as a reference.
For instance, the CSV refers to the main category and subcategory as something like "Announcement.HasArrived".

Let's say you want to change the "HasArrived" and "HasAwoken" strings, but as a JSON entry. The default strings would then look like this:

I've noted the major and minor sets in their respective colors. In JSON, you start with the major ("Announcement") and for each minor set ("HasArrived", "HasAwoken") they are located in the sub-nest of the major.

I know looking at CSV is a bit of a pain, but if you have a spreadsheet editor like the sheets from LibreOffice or equivalent, you can convert CSV into an easier to read table. Then you can reference that when making your JSON. Just keep what I posted in mind and you shouldn't have problems.

Case example: Let's say you want to change how the game announces that NPCs are throwing parties. The CSV entries are:
  • Game.BirthdayParty_1
  • Game.BirthdayParty_2
  • Game.BirthdayParty_3
In my altered events pack, the JSON will look like this:

Because BirthdayParty_1, BirthdayParty_2, BirthdayParty_3 are subsets of "Game".
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