NPCs & Enemies Vengeful Hero- Boss


(this post will include the sword as well since the two are pretty much a pair)
This boss would be like a larger, dark verson of a player with a hero costume, except this guy would be one image and he'd look like his hands are carrying this dark glowing soul (image will be out soon). The boss will fly through walls, quite fast to get to you, if you touch him, you will get quite a bit (20 damage quickly) and he'll glow in darkness. Beside the Vengeful Hero, that will always be quickly chasing you is a big (twise the size) Fallen Hero Sword (like an extra powerful Enchanted Sword enemy). Once spawned, the Vengeful Hero will be formed with many shadow particles. The tooltip is: "He is reborn and has come for Revenge."


4 of each soul ( including blight for mobile) and a Broken Hero Sword


Blood moon or Eclipse


Fallen Hero's Sword- 5%
Broken Hero Sword- 80% (if you don't get the Hero's sword,you have a chance to get broken one)
Greater Healing Potion- 100% (10-20)
Souls of Night- 100% (1-3)
Golden Hero Costume- 0.5% per piece
And other Stuff

Health- 21000
Damage- (Sword) 100-150 (Boss) 20 (Spheres) 50 (Shadow Sword) 60-90
KB Resist- 100%
Type- Boss
AI- Fighter

Once around Vengeful Hero, you will get the "darkness" debuff and his Hero Sword will charge at you. During this the boss will have dark spheres thrown at you (2x2) every second, touching one will result in damage and the "blind" debuff, which will lower your vision by even more. Once at a third of its health all of its attacks will do 20% more damage (20% from the numbers above), there will be another sword except made of shadow that will do the exact same thing as the other sword except less damage. Also the boss teleports away from projectiles every once in a while (at max of 1/3 health).

-100 damage
-Very Fast Speed
-Average KB
A melee weapon that has an outer blade-like glow to make its range further.

Please give me a thumbs up for this idea, or tell me how I can improve this Boss. Thanks for your time!


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yea it should be nerfed. big time. and that hero sword might be really tuff too, so it needs a bit of work.
The Fallen Hero's Sword is pretty much the sword that that broken one actually is. The thing about it is it is not ranged, and it's harder to get than the Terra Blade. I did nerf the boss, but some of those tips take away from both the sword and the bosses uniqueness.
Very high knockback and very fast speed , these are the two things that don't combine. Slow sword that knocks enemies back? OK , Fast weapon that only slows enemies down? OK , a fast weapon that makes enemies fly? Not OK.
When a sword is fast and has a small amount of knockback , it's easy to hit an enemy multiple times , slow swords with alot of knockback work because knockback makes you less vulnerable once you swing the sword , your enemy instead of hitting you after you slash it with your sword , will fly away from you , because you slashed it. Very fast speed is only useful when you have a little amount of knockback.
The Fallen Hero's Sword is pretty much the sword that that broken one actually is. The thing about it is it is not ranged, and it's harder to get than the Terra Blade. I did nerf the boss, but some of those tips take away from both the sword and the bosses uniqueness.

Defence and damage doesn't make something unique. And how is this harder to get than the Terra blade? By the time you get a solar eclipse you probably already beat all the mechs. So a 0.4% (broken hero blade) vs a 5% (hero sword) makes this easier to get.
But that's from a difficult boss rather than a whole night full of monsters. Most of my solar Eclipses gave me at least one broken hero sword anyways
But that's from a difficult boss rather than a whole night full of monsters. Most of my solar Eclipses gave me at least one broken hero sword anyways

Broken hero swords are easy to get. Even easier with your boss. Your boss prscticly either hands broken hero swords to you or hands you a weapon stronger than the Terra blade. Plus you would have to have RNG in order to summon this boss to begin with. Why add him when I can just stick to RNG for a Terra blade? Which shoots a projectile making it better than this sword in certain ways.
In certain ways, there are reasons to get it then, I was expecting to lead this boss onto other things, but I just hadn't thought that up yet.
I dont think having a boss with a sword would be possible
so far any enemy npc that had a sword would just hold it while approaching you. They wouldnt swing
It's pretty much a caster+spazmatic elemental. It's also humanoid unlike any boss beforehand. It seems... unTerraria-like. I'd also prefer the Broken Hero Sword to stay as a mystery, instead of just being this thing's blade.
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