Items We need a hallow and corruption finder.


Current Its way too difficult to clear an area of hallow or corruption. Even with the clentaminator it’s way too easy to miss pockets of corruption. I’ve tried to clear an area three or four times just to have it pop back up again in a couple hours even after beating Plantera

My idea to fix this would be a new informational accessory that tells you the distance and direction to the nearest corrupt and hallowed block and maybe highlight them like a Spelunker Potion. It could be sold by the dryad after defeating Plantera; Possibly as a few different items that could be combined. Like maybe a Hallowed Dowsing Rod, Corrupt Dowsing Rod, and Pure Dowsing rod. It shouldn’t really affect the game much at that point and would be a good QOL addition.

What do you think? Any improvements you would add or other items that could go along with it?
Well you didn't mention a Crimson Dowsing Rod.

It's a good idea, though I'd make it available early Hardmode and not post-Plantera.
Make it as one consumable what will work as torch gods favor UI may be as in Galaxy on Fire 2
Circle around center of screen
Yeah thats not a circle
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