Mobile What inspired you to play mobile Terraria?

Sometimes, there is no electricity in my house, so I play on mobile, I can play for like 2 hours on battery while my laptop cannot exceed 30 min.
On day my friend (female) came over to my house and she brought her IPad. She asked if I wanted to see this game that was better than Minecraft. I said there's no game better than Minecraft. (back then I loved Minecraft) anyway. She showed me terraria and it seemed interesting. I played for like half an hour and though it was fun but still liking Minecraft better. The next weekend I downloaded it from Amazon on my Kindle Fire. That's when it started becoming vetter and better. I then saw they had it on Console and Pc. So then I got Xbox 360 version for Christmas and I started liking it. Alot. Now to this day Terraria will leave Minecraft in the dust... That's how it all happened...
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