What is Your Favorite Class?

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Mage, for certain. It was the class I took on my first run. Initially, I struggled to do anything significant while my friends destroyed everything around them (having a small pc screen didn't help). Staves where as much used for vision as they were for damage. Then we got to the dungeon. Magnet Sphere absolutely blew my mind. Shortly after that, I got the Spectre set, and became mob-destrucion incarnate. It was glorious.
Used to play as a mage every time around. Been messing around with summoner though and I quite like it.
Currently going as a summoner with magic weapons as my secondary form of damage, just so I'm not sitting around while my minions do all the work.
...I really use the mage class everywhere I go... It kinda fits me more due to versatility and all. Usually IRL I tend to learn a lot of different stuff but never specialize myself in one, and mages usually can be molded to be like that. And well... we'all know that the mages on Terraria are OP right now :dryadwink:
my #1 class will forever be Mage; i mean c'mon! a wizard is a mage after all right?
my #2 is the summoner melee hybrid, very flexible, not as robust as pure classing, but has greater options, such as use of the flasks which ties it together very nicely.
Mage. It's so fun to use and I select it in every game I can. It's calm at times and difficult at others and I LOVE MAGIC :0

I'm a big fan of the mage, especially with the high speed weapons like the Crystal Storm and Razorpine :D
I mostly use summoner gear. It fits me, as my preferred fighting style is to summon minions and inflict status ailments on my enemies and then dodging and defending until they die. It also allow great varion in weapon choice.

I would however not say that I am of the summoner class, since I use all sorts of weapons and gear.
Mage, because pretty much every weapon is unique, and I love the offensive-based "destroy everything" playstyle that the combination of piercing and ranged weapons gives you.

However, if an offensive melee/high-speed dodging class were added, or there was a way to seriously shift your playstyle to something like that, I'd probably play it over everything else.
I mostly use summoner stuff... and traps like boulders and such so Summoner/Trapper I suppose.
But I also sometimes use weapons that can attack while I'm out of harms way Like Nimbus Rod/Nettleburst/Bee gun/Scourge of the corruptor.

But overall it's the summons that do most of the work while I just sit back and watch or the lava/boulders before I get summons good enough to carry me.
I ALWAYS play Melee Tank. I enjoy the roles of it, though I do enjoy going ranged a bit every now and then. Melee is where my heart is.
Melee, mainly because the high DPS, extreme speeds it can reach, and all the awsome flasks that you can aquire. Summoner needs an emblem thou :dryadnaughty:
I like range just for the style not for any particular ingame reasons. I feel like there aren't really bosses that can be fought successfully as stand alone melee?

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