Just curious
Animus Viral
Torch God
Saber for speed, Claymore for damage. That's what I say they are best for.
Animus above describes it well. They both have their strengths & weaknesses to accommodate different playstyles
Chlorophyte Saber is faster and has autoswing compared to the Claymore, but does less damage.
The Chlorophyte Claymore is slower, does not have autoswing, but does more damage compared to the Saber. It depends whether speed & autoswing or more damage are more important to you.
Chlorophyte Saber is faster and has autoswing compared to the Claymore, but does less damage.
The Chlorophyte Claymore is slower, does not have autoswing, but does more damage compared to the Saber. It depends whether speed & autoswing or more damage are more important to you.
Ok, Thanks

I am generally a ranged person, but I do not like the chlorophyte shotbow. for my type of fighting sword (flying around the enemy hitting it) which would be better?
The Destroyer
If you know how to aim properly then the claymore is best for you. The orb can be devastating when aimed right. Also, it makes up for auto swing with feral claws/Titan glove (Depending on whether you are on pc or not) and its upgrades and with the legendary modifier swings at about the same speed as the saber without. But the saber is fast and the little fart cloud can go through walls which is fun, but for raw damage and boss fights, for you, I recommend the claymore.