Why do YOU like Terraria?


Topic title, self explanitory, heh. I'll start.

It started when I discovered Minecraft. I played the heck out of the demo but I didn't buy it because it's owned by Microsnot (I hate Microsoft as a company, even though they make awesome non-game software). I then discovered a free alternative called Minetest, and quickly found that I did not like crafting stuff as much as I thought I would, too tedious, because of the crafting algorithm; you have to put things in the correct shape. So THEN I found Dig or Die. The guy developing it released it on Steam in a very early alpha state (0.005 I believe), so I jumped at it, and quickly found this is what I wanted in a sandbox game...but for some reason I wanted more out of it. Terraria was my answer. My purchase history says I got it June 16, 2015 when it was $2.49 (during a sale most likely)...and this was THE perfect game for me. You just need the ingredients and the proper crafting station to craft...it can be relaxing at times...good time-waster...and 235 hours in I haven't regretted the purchase one bit. :)
I think the reason I like it so much and the biggest reason why I still play it to this day is all the variations or "challenge runs" you can do in the game, such as only using melee weapons, playing the game completely upside down, etc.. It gives the game a good sense of replayability! But thats not saying the normal mode is bad either! I just love the game for pretty much everything :)
If you took a look around my world (antique from v1.1) you'd see various projects, both finished and unfinished, ranging from a pool of lava that secretly leads to an underground bunker, to a large, dungeon-like structure in the sky made entirely of rainbow bricks. Being able to do stuff like that, being able to exercise your creativity in a way that easily outmatches Minecraft is why I like Terraria.

My current project is a gemspark castle with a gate that only opens if you place a gem inside each of the gem locks. It's pretty darn cool.
There was a similar question before from someone else, worded quite different. Think it was "what do you like about Terraria"

Regardless that and this are 2 different things although both have a similar answer to most.

For my it is the charm it has. I have played many a game, and view each equally. The building genre is something I lacked when I was a kid. At least in games. I always took after any game that allowed me to construct something, my first game being a pinball creator I believe was on the commodore 64. Then was Lego creator, FRUA, and quite a few games with level editors (mostly FPS). Still feel like I was missing something. Many years later Minecraft, and that filled the void. After that many in the building genre came to be; some decent and some well... not to my liking. I still like minecraft. Terraria to me is something of the titles that I enjoyed playing within the genre alongside each other with their own way about thing. Xenominer was another one I enjoyed lots.

Anyway, the reason I like Terraria so much is obviously the building part of the game. In a way it is surviving the trial n error of building; and in some cases it is quite survival, as a pesky zombie comes to bother me while I build. I don't mind, as the NPCs and many of the features give lots of inspiration for things to build, just as much as I get with many of the other games in the genre that I finally get to experience. I like Terraria because like many of the others it is its' own game and plays well enough on my computer to be enjoyable. It has many things I like, especially building aspect, and a complex system of wiring that I barely touch; however is there for when I want to mess around with that stuff. It has its' own charm, own universe, and atmosphere.

Granted I can say that much of any game I like, but that is how I view games; individually. Each is their own special jewel prized for their beautiful structure. I think I have written enough... :dryadtongue:
I like Terraria because it's like Minecraft, but with interesting and well developed gameplay aside from building, better music and graphics, a dev team that actually cares about the game, and a fanbase that doesn't make me want to shoot myself.
I like the whole exploration aspect of Terraria better than that of Minecraft. I also like the more combat focused gameplay in Terraria. Makes combat less of an "avoid for your own sanity" kind of thing.
I think I like Terraria just because it's fun lol. I got into it after seeing it be compared to Minecraft on their forums.
The sheer level of thrill I experience when fighting enemies it truly makes me feel primal as if the only thing that exists in the world is me and my opponent(s)
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