Why hello there


Hello there, just a lurker with a question here.
I got terraria on steam for a long time but recently it became a problem that steam won't let me play it without yelling to my entire contact list about it.
So is it possible to get a drm free version? I got another game on steam that provided keys to download from gog so I was wondering if terraria offers that option.
Can you tell what is even going on? The game doesn't do anything fancy in terms of DRM, just launches it via steam.
What exactly is happening?
EDIT: Apparently I misread your post thinking that this was an actual problem.
Just go offline, christ.
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Go into offline mode and it wont show on your friends screen that you started playing the game
i still don't know exactly what you're talking about but i hope this has helped
It just about being able to chat on steam and play terraria without having steam yelling to my entire contact list about it :p
What's wrong with people knowing that you're playing?
If someone messages you, just ignore their pleas.
You can also disable that thing where it shows messages in game in the steam options.
It's a problem when people you need to stay in contact with will make a problem out of it :p
Wow, that sucks hard. I think there's an option for it somewhere though; and otherwise just download TCCL and run the game from there.
If I don't feel like being bothered or people joining a game I'm playing (likely Team Fortress 2), I added a non-steam game to my Steam Library (Notepad), renamed it something (can be whatever, I usually change it up every week to something silly), play Notepad from the library list, then play Terraria without closing the notepad program I opened.

If it goes accordingly, it should display you as playing whatever you renamed your non-steam game rather than playing Terraria, provided you don't close the program before quitting out of Terraria.

Not sure if this'll give the same results, but I hope it helped! :dryadwink:
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