Windows Mouse Inversion


Hey guys,
I got a little problem here with the windows mouse inversion. Since im leftie i like to use it, but terraria didnt seem to recognize that setting. Any idea how to invert the mouse another way or how to fix this?

Thx, Nuls
I knew that feeling once, eventually just forced myself to go righty as most games made sense like that anyway.

As for the bindings issue, coming from someone who's coded small XNA projects (the technology Terraria used) I can tell you that by default there is no lefty check in XNA. Terraria looks for left clicks or right clicks and has no care as to whether or not you're on lefty mode or not. I suppose a simple toggle in options or the ability to remap the mouse would work also though. But for now I'm sorry to say that there isn't a fix in game, it will have to come in an update if it ever does.
I knew that feeling once, eventually just forced myself to go righty as most games made sense like that anyway.

As for the bindings issue, coming from someone who's coded small XNA projects (the technology Terraria used) I can tell you that by default there is no lefty check in XNA. Terraria looks for left clicks or right clicks and has no care as to whether or not you're on lefty mode or not. I suppose a simple toggle in options or the ability to remap the mouse would work also though. But for now I'm sorry to say that there isn't a fix in game, it will have to come in an update if it ever does.

Thanks for the fast reply :). Although it is a rather unsatisfying, but well, i'll have to live with it for now :D. I might also try the remapping then.
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