Pixel Art World's Biggest Sprites (not actually big)

What should I work on?

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Thread banner 2.png

Welcome to my sprite collection! I started spriting for fun a few months ago, and since then I've learned a lot from and had a good experience with the spriting community here on the forums. On this thread I take requests and post new sprites I've made. I appreciate requests, my best sprites are items and weapons. I can do NPCs and monsters to some extent as well.
These sprites are best viewed with a light background. Use the Xenforo Default, Snow or Jungle themes to see them clearly. I mean I don't really care but if you want them to look good then do that.


oof, check out that lovely frame

Heavenite was an idea I had for an ore that generates on floating islands and would spread through cloud blocks (not very sustainable, but this is a sprite thread not a suggestion).

Ore and Bar:
Heavenite Ore - Placed.png
Heavenite Ore.png
Heavenite Bar.png
Heavenite Bar - Placed.png

Weapons (excl. Starfury):

Spiked Starball:
Spiked Starball.png




Star Miner:
Star Miner.png

Heaventree Axe:
Heaventree Axe.png

Dream Crusher:
Dream Crusher.png

And NOW, the armour:

Boots Variant 1:
Heavenite Armour - Set 1.png

Boots Variant 2:
Heavenite Armour - Set 2.png

If you've seen my posts on the Terraria Spriting Carnival 2, you'll know I've posted in-depth info on these items there. I've copied it into this spoiler so it might be out of context a little. A suggestion was made by @Electroman102 featuring these sprites with similar info, but this is my take on the stats (100% original, don't worry. These stats were also thought up before the modified ones featured in the suggestion, if that means anything).
Starfury (already in the game, but can now be crafted with 12x
Heavenite Bar.png
Star Miner: Costs 12x
Heavenite Bar.png
. 50% Pickaxe power (can mine meteorite).
Heaventree Axe: Costs 9x
Heavenite Bar.png
. 55% Axe power.
Dream Crusher: Costs 10x
Heavenite Bar.png
. 50% Hammer power.
Spiked Starball: Costs 10x
Heavenite Bar.png
. 13 Melee damage. Shoots out a starfury projectile every successful hit that pierces once (hits 2 enemies).
Starflinger: Costs 7x
Heavenite Bar.png
. 10 Ranged damage. All arrows fired will pierce once (except hellfire arrows, they still explode).
Starstriker: Costs 7x
Heavenite Bar.png
(at an anvil, not a bookshelf). 15 Magic damage, uses 8 Mana. Shoots a fast-moving star that will ricochet randomly off walls (7 times) until it hits a monster. Somewhat wide "bullet spread". It has autofire/autoreuse/autoswing/whatever you want to call it (this is so that its easier to use, as it's already so hard to aim).

I hope these values are balanced, I did do my research, but it doesn't matter as this isn't a suggestion. FYI, the ore is somewhat on par with the Tungsten and Gold tiers (from memory) but it IS worth using because of the abilities of the weapons.

.357 Revolver, SCAR, Remington 700, Desert Eagle, AWP, AK-47, Remington 870

Hechite set, Obsidian Alloy set, Yo:red:e set (name by @Sockmonkey367), Beetle Husk set, Magmite set, Hydranium set (name by Beave on the Terraria Pixel Art discord)
Meteor Pickaxe.png
Dart Scattergun.png

Meteor Pickaxe, Dart Scattergun
All pixel art in this folder was made using the DB32 palette.
Tentacle Head_big.png
Squelch Head_big.png
Scream Head_big.png
<--- Mad heads
Synthwave Text_big.png
<--- Synthwave alphabet + question mark. If you want to use these you can, but you must give credit.
Beetle Digging Claw.png
Beetle Hampicksaw.png
Beetle Prong.png
Beetle Sword.png
Beetle Toolset (for @Sockmonkey367 and the spear was my idea :))
Bandana Dee.png
Smash Logo.png
Bandana Dee and Smash Logo (for @Sockmonkey367)
Phosphorus Axe.png
Phosphorus Pickaxe.png
Phosphorus Repeater.png
Phosphorus Sword.png
Phosphorus Armour.png
Phosphorus Ore - Item.png
Phosphorus Bricks - Item.png
Phosphorus Bar.png
Phosphorus Bar - Version 2.png
Plutonium Axe.png
Plutonium Pickaxe.png
Plutonium Repeater.png
Plutonium Sword.png
Plutonium Armour.png
Plutonium Ore - Item.png
Plutonium Bricks - Item.png
Plutonium Bar.png
Polonium Axe.png
Polonium Pickaxe.png
Polonium Repeater.png
Polonium Sword.png
Polonium Armour.png
Polonium Ore - Item.png
Polonium Bricks - Item.png
Polonium Bar.png
Uranium Axe.png
Uranium Pickaxe.png
Uranium Repeater.png
Uranium Sword.png
Uranium Armour.png
Uranium Ore - Item.png
Uranium Bricks - Item.png
Uranium Bar - Version 1.png
Uranium Bar - Version 2.png
(for @Electroman102 obvs)
Eagle and seagull (for @RoninGoblin)
Bison, shield your eyes aah (for @Kitten Shuttles)

Remington 870.png
Remington 700.png
Remington 870 and 700 (for @Turb0Punda)
Dungeon Spirit Fish.png
Dungeon Spirit Fish (for @Terrarian_37)
- All requests (too lazy to type them all up as a list)
- Expand Magmite and Hydranium sets
- Make Prismite set (I know that name is used for a fish. :red: the fish lol)
- Make another Earth-themed set.
- Expand existing sets I have (Yo:red:e etc.) to be suitable for a mod.
Don't worry, I'm not making a mod. Probably.

And that concludes it. Again, you are reminded that requests are OPEN. Send me whatever you want sprited, I'll get it done someday. I have school, and I'm a lazy millennial so don't expect it done immediately. Also, provide feedback by commenting and voting on the poll.
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I'll be fair, the concepts of those sprites are pretty good,
but I think you should rather stick to making gun sprites, as the revolver, deagle and SPAS are the best out of all the sprites you've posted here.

As for other sprites, I recommend working on the shading and texturing, you know, make the items look like they were made of a certain material.
The shape of the giga Starfury reminds me too much of the Bladetongue, especially with its differing colours.

Give Cold Bones maybe a cold blue colour, Missile Scepter needs an overhaul (make the tip bigger and more robust!), Emoji Cannon COULD look good, if you made it dark gray,
Enchanted Sabre should use the Enchanted Sword's palette.

Heavenite looks alright, the tools look good, but the armor should be completely overhauled.

I ain't no spriter myself, but I know something about aesthetics.
Uh, no, the advice above is actually awful.

Keep trying to make the sprites that are actually difficult instead of sticking to a confort zone or you'll never improve. There's plenty of good pixel art to reverse engineer until yours works.
Well, thanks to both of you for the advice. I'll try making some more guns but IN NO WAY will I 100% stick to them.

EDIT: New sprites. From now on, I will post new sprites in a comment and also update the OP.
Enchanted Armour (been done before but oh well):
Enchanted Armour.png

Hardmode Ore Shortswords (too visually similar to the normal swords, and I have no idea why a single person would ever craft one):
Orichalcum Shortsword.png
Titanium Shortsword.png
Palladium Shorstword.png

EDIT 2: @Mattix, could you say what part of the Heavenite armour you don't like? I think if I just started again from scratch it would end up looking virtually the same, but if you told me what to change the results might be better.

EDIT 3: Bad banner
Banner small.png
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Swords look cool, armor has a good concept, but try mimicking the shading of other Terraria armors.
Ok. Feel free to choose which one you want to decline/actually do

Uranium set- a lime green colored metal set

Plutonium- purple metal set

Phosphorus- soft, light red

Polonium- blue-gray set

Set includes armor, sword, repeater, pick, and axe

That’s it for now (have 1 I’m not sure about)
I'll start both those requests. I might not get round to it until the weekend though.

EDIT: Turns out this is taking longer than I thought, but I have done the Uranium set and the seagull, I also tried making the eagle but that did NOT turn out well... I'll try again soon. The seagull fits to the normal bird's sprite sheet, I thought that might be useful.
Uranium Armour.png
Uranium Axe.png
Uranium Pickaxe.png
Uranium Repeater.png
Uranium Sword.png

@Electroman102 @RoninGoblin
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Ok, the requests are fully done now. The sets turned out pretty nice, the eagle still looks like :red:. Oh well, I tried. Remember to give credit wherever you use the sprites.

Phosphorus Armour.png
Phosphorus Axe.png
Phosphorus Pickaxe.png
Phosphorus Repeater.png
Phosphorus Sword.png

Plutonium Armour.png
Plutonium Axe.png
Plutonium Pickaxe.png
Plutonium Repeater.png
Plutonium Sword.png

Polonium Armour.png
Polonium Axe.png
Polonium Pickaxe.png
Polonium Repeater.png
Polonium Sword.png

Uranium Armour.png
Uranium Axe.png
Uranium Pickaxe.png
Uranium Repeater.png
Uranium Sword.png

Hope you guys like the stuff.
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Alright here ya go. The full ore tile sprites are attached but not in the actual post.

Uranium (2 different bars, you choose which one):
Uranium Bar - Version 1.png
Uranium Bar - Version 2.png
Uranium Ore - Item.png

Phosphorus (2 bars again):
Phosphorus Bar.png
Phosphorus Bar - Version 2.png
Phosphorus Ore - Item.png

Plutonium Bar.png
Plutonium Ore - Item.png

Polonium Bar.png
Polonium Ore - Item.png

Also, you'll probably want those armour sets animated. That's not something I'm good at, but I can have a go if you *really* want me to.

EDIT: I forgot to do the bricks, do you mean "bricks" as in this


  • Uranium Ore.png
    Uranium Ore.png
    15.6 KB · Views: 242
  • Phosphorus Ore.png
    Phosphorus Ore.png
    16.3 KB · Views: 267
  • Polonium Ore.png
    Polonium Ore.png
    16.4 KB · Views: 250
  • Plutonium Ore.png
    Plutonium Ore.png
    15.2 KB · Views: 246
Damn, that looks pretty useful. I'll try it out, thanks!\

EDIT: Ok, so here's... a start. ArmorHelper was great, but not entirely "compatible" with how I'd sprited the armour set. This was the semi-good result:

Set includes armor, sword, repeater, pick, and axe

That’s it for now (have 1 I’m not sure about)
What was the one you weren't sure about? Was this one you didn't mention? CAN I DO IT?!
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