Sprites Izzabelle's Alternates

When will the Necropolis be realeased I'm so exited, seeing that it's called necropolis it's probably going to be undead which is one of the coolest themes

The image on the right isn't in your signature
There's a lot of Sigils that change over time. Some sigils are dropped and become 2 or 3 new sigils. Others become hidden sigils.

That particular sigil in question was relegated as irrelevant and consequently dropped from the line up.

The Necropolis has been released!

I can't thank you guys enough for hanging in there! It was such a doozy to make sure I got it to you. I won't lie; I was still a little scared the forum would eat my 2nd attempt at the post, even though I had a saved draft. Really hoping you guys enjoy it!

The main post and signature codes have been updated!

That being said; I've released 1 remake and 4 alternates recently. So I am going to take a very teeny tiny break from continuing. Maybe a week or two. But feel free to ask me questions or debate hints; I'll be around to comment. :dryadhappy:

[doublepost=1490700825,1490700739][/doublepost]Any spoilers on Necropolis I'm guessing there will be a pyramid
As a general rule, I try not to spoil an alternate that's being formatted/posted. Spoilers are more for early to mid development.
Not surprisingly, The Necropolis was well worth the wait! It all looks wonderful, but I absolutely love the willow tree and the water lily. The maggot and mudskipper cages are super cute and the necrohol fountain is great as well. A couple weeks off is well earned and I look forward to what you come up with next. :bluslime:

The Necropolis has been released!

I can't thank you guys enough for hanging in there! It was such a doozy to make sure I got it to you. I won't lie; I was still a little scared the forum would eat my 2nd attempt at the post, even though I had a saved draft. Really hoping you guys enjoy it!

The main post and signature codes have been updated!

That being said; I've released 1 remake and 4 alternates recently. So I am going to take a very teeny tiny break from continuing. Maybe a week or two. But feel free to ask me questions or debate hints; I'll be around to comment. :dryadhappy:

As a general rule, I try not to spoil an alternate that's being formatted/posted. Spoilers are more for early to mid development.

where is the download for this stuff?
I've looked through some of the alternatives posts and, I gotta say, I found it to be extremely interesting. I like a lot of the items and furniture as well as the bosses and unique weapons and accessories. You probably get this a lot, but they would work amazingly as Terraria mods. As a person who plays with quite a few mods, not a lot mods that I have seen thus far add many alternative biomes and stuff, and it sucks a little I won't lie (I might be missing them all, but I dunno). It would also work very well in normal Terraria, giving players a lot more furniture and blocks to mess with and different experiences in playthroughs.

Anyways, your suggestions look and sound amazing and I'm excited to see what you create in the future. Keep up the good work!
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