tModLoader Subworld Library

There seems to be a problem with ReturnDestination, if i set it to int.MinValue, it tries to load the main world but doesnt work and just freezes on loading screen. Can you look into that?
I tried porting a mod I made on tModLoader 1.3 using subworld library, but everytime I try entering the subworld, it gets stuck at "Clearing map data:".


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No errors in the client log. I even disabled other mods, except for SubworldLibrary, CheatSheet and my mod using SubworldLibrary.
[12:58:37.202] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Starting tModLoader client|2023.06|stable|Stable|1cf5af1a24a961fcbe0d1d7fc31dcda160496504|5249959922336091465 built 11/08/2023 19:39
[12:58:37.222] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Log date: 28/08/2023
[12:58:37.223] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Running on Windows (v10.0.19045.0) X64 NetCore 6.0.20
[12:58:37.224] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: FrameworkDescription: .NET 6.0.20
[12:58:37.224] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Executable: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\tModLoader\tModLoader.dll
[12:58:37.224] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Working Directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\tModLoader
[12:58:38.322] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Saves Are Located At: C:\Users\Douglas\Documents\My Games\Terraria\tModLoader
[12:58:38.326] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Developer mode enabled
[12:58:38.345] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Display DPI: Diagonal DPI is 96. Vertical DPI is 96. Horizontal DPI is 96
[12:58:38.345] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: High DPI Display detected: setting FNA to highdpi mode
[12:58:38.352] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [FNA]: Querying linked library versions...
[12:58:38.353] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [FNA]: SDL v2.24.0
[12:58:38.354] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [FNA]: FNA3D v22.8.0
[12:58:38.358] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [FNA]: FAudio v22.9.1
[12:58:39.036] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Distribution Platform: Steam. Detection method: CWD is /steamapps/
[12:58:39.053] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Process.Start (UseShellExecute = False): "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\tModLoader\dotnet\6.0.0\dotnet.exe" tModLoader.dll -terrariasteamclient 1620
[12:58:39.740] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [TerrariaSteamClient]: Recv: init_success
[12:58:39.741] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [TerrariaSteamClient]: Send: acknowledged
[12:58:40.350] [Main Thread/INFO] [Terraria]: Steam Cloud Quota: 952.4 MB available
[12:58:40.351] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Steam beta branch: None
[12:58:40.457] [Main Thread/INFO] [FNA]: FNA3D Driver: D3D11
[12:58:40.457] [Main Thread/INFO] [FNA]: D3D11 Adapter: AMD Radeon R7 200 Series
[12:58:40.503] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Terraria Steam Install Location assumed to be: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Terraria
[12:58:41.619] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Maximum Resolution is 1920 x 1200
[12:58:41.636] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [Terraria]: Device Created, Adapter: SyncMaster, DisplayMode: {{Width:1360 Height:768 Format:Color}}, Profile: HiDef, Width: 1360, Height: 720, Fullscreen: False, Display: \\.\DISPLAY1
[12:58:42.313] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Loading the following resource packs: [c/0066ff:H][c/5599ff:D] [c/99bbff:Sc][c/ccccff:en][c/ffc8b4:er][c/ffa488:y], Capricorn Snake Tail, Colored Emblems, V3!, Dryad Deer, Fiery Greatsword is Back, Spirit of Anubis, Werewolf Tail, Zoologist - Werefox Plus
[12:58:42.768] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Native Resolve: tModLoader, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null -> RzChromaSDK64.dll
[12:58:42.769] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]:     not found
[12:58:52.128] [9/DEBUG] [tML]: SSDP search line seperator: CRLF
[12:58:58.024] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: 3 most recently changed workshop mods: ThoriumMod v1.7.1.2 8/21/2023, HEROsMod v0.4.13 8/18/2023, SummonsUI v1.2.1 8/17/2023
[12:59:00.246] [.NET ThreadPool Worker/WARN] [tML]: Ignoring nexperience1dot4 found at: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\tModLoader\..\..\workshop\content\1281930\2854080183\2023.6\nexperience1dot4.tmod. A mod with the same name already exists.
[12:59:00.247] [.NET ThreadPool Worker/WARN] [tML]: Ignoring terraguardians found at: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\tModLoader\..\..\workshop\content\1281930\2967694381\2023.6\terraguardians.tmod. A mod with the same name already exists.
[12:59:00.248] [.NET ThreadPool Worker/WARN] [tML]: Ignoring gaomonmod1dot4 found at: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\tModLoader\..\..\workshop\content\1281930\2990440655\2023.6\gaomonmod1dot4.tmod. A mod with the same name already exists.
[12:59:00.250] [.NET ThreadPool Worker/WARN] [tML]: Ignoring vanillastart144 found at: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\tModLoader\..\..\workshop\content\1281930\3021110266\2023.6\vanillastart144.tmod. A mod with the same name already exists.
[12:59:00.251] [.NET ThreadPool Worker/WARN] [tML]: Ignoring seeyoutransformedonmenu144 found at: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\tModLoader\..\..\workshop\content\1281930\3021119640\2023.6\seeyoutransformedonmenu144.tmod. A mod with the same name already exists.
[12:59:00.252] [.NET ThreadPool Worker/WARN] [tML]: Ignoring fursuitbegone144 found at: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\tModLoader\..\..\workshop\content\1281930\3021130493\2023.6\fursuitbegone144.tmod. A mod with the same name already exists.
[12:59:00.264] [.NET ThreadPool Worker/INFO] [tML]: Finding Mods...
[12:59:00.273] [.NET ThreadPool Worker/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: SubworldLibrary (Subworld Library) v2.2.1.2
[12:59:00.390] [.NET ThreadPool Worker/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: CastleGenerator (Castle Generator) v0.1
[12:59:00.661] [.NET ThreadPool Worker/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: CheatSheet (Cheat Sheet) v0.7.4.9
[12:59:00.914] [.NET ThreadPool Worker/INFO] [tML]: Constructing Mods...
[12:59:01.464] [.NET ThreadPool Worker/INFO] [tML]: Adding Content: ModLoader (tModLoader) v2023.6.25.31
[12:59:01.755] [.NET ThreadPool Worker/INFO] [tML]: Adding Content: SubworldLibrary (Subworld Library) v2.2.1.2
[12:59:02.009] [.NET ThreadPool Worker/DEBUG] [tML]: ILHook Terraria.Main::DoDraw(GameTime) added by SubworldLibrary
[12:59:02.169] [.NET ThreadPool Worker/DEBUG] [tML]: ILHook Terraria.Main::DrawBackground() added by SubworldLibrary
[12:59:02.290] [.NET ThreadPool Worker/DEBUG] [tML]: ILHook Terraria.Main::OldDrawBackground() added by SubworldLibrary
[12:59:02.322] [.NET ThreadPool Worker/DEBUG] [tML]: ILHook Terraria.Main::UpdateAudio() added by SubworldLibrary
[12:59:02.550] [.NET ThreadPool Worker/DEBUG] [tML]: ILHook Terraria.IngameOptions::Draw(Main, SpriteBatch) added by SubworldLibrary
[12:59:02.580] [.NET ThreadPool Worker/DEBUG] [tML]: ILHook Terraria.Graphics.Light.TileLightScanner::GetTileLight(int, int, out Vector3) added by SubworldLibrary
[12:59:02.715] [.NET ThreadPool Worker/DEBUG] [tML]: ILHook Terraria.Player::UpdateBiomes() added by SubworldLibrary
[12:59:02.721] [.NET ThreadPool Worker/DEBUG] [tML]: ILHook Terraria.Main::DrawUnderworldBackground(bool) added by SubworldLibrary
[12:59:02.730] [.NET ThreadPool Worker/DEBUG] [tML]: ILHook Terraria.Netplay::AddCurrentServerToRecentList() added by SubworldLibrary
[12:59:02.738] [.NET ThreadPool Worker/DEBUG] [tML]: ILHook Terraria.Main::EraseWorld(int) added by SubworldLibrary
[12:59:02.776] [.NET ThreadPool Worker/DEBUG] [tML]: ILHook Terraria.Main::DoUpdateInWorld(Stopwatch) added by SubworldLibrary
[12:59:02.781] [.NET ThreadPool Worker/DEBUG] [tML]: ILHook Terraria.WorldGen::UpdateWorld() added by SubworldLibrary
[12:59:03.273] [.NET ThreadPool Worker/DEBUG] [tML]: ILHook Terraria.Player::Update(int) added by SubworldLibrary
[12:59:03.281] [.NET ThreadPool Worker/DEBUG] [tML]: ILHook Terraria.NPC::UpdateNPC_UpdateGravity() added by SubworldLibrary
[12:59:03.357] [.NET ThreadPool Worker/DEBUG] [tML]: ILHook Terraria.Liquid::Update() added by SubworldLibrary
[12:59:03.367] [.NET ThreadPool Worker/DEBUG] [tML]: ILHook Terraria.Player::SavePlayer(PlayerFileData, bool) added by SubworldLibrary
[12:59:03.373] [.NET ThreadPool Worker/DEBUG] [tML]: ILHook Terraria.IO.WorldFile::SaveWorld(bool, bool) added by SubworldLibrary
[12:59:03.481] [.NET ThreadPool Worker/INFO] [tML]: Adding Content: CastleGenerator (Castle Generator) v0.1
[12:59:03.808] [.NET ThreadPool Worker/INFO] [tML]: Adding Content: CheatSheet (Cheat Sheet) v0.7.4.9
[12:59:04.313] [.NET ThreadPool Worker/INFO] [tML]: Resizing...
[12:59:04.782] [.NET ThreadPool Worker/INFO] [tML]: Configuring Content: ModLoader (tModLoader) v2023.6.25.31
[12:59:04.902] [.NET ThreadPool Worker/INFO] [tML]: Configuring Content: SubworldLibrary (Subworld Library) v2.2.1.2
[12:59:05.010] [.NET ThreadPool Worker/INFO] [tML]: Configuring Content: CastleGenerator (Castle Generator) v0.1
[12:59:05.122] [.NET ThreadPool Worker/INFO] [tML]: Configuring Content: CheatSheet (Cheat Sheet) v0.7.4.9
[12:59:05.443] [.NET ThreadPool Worker/INFO] [tML]: Finalizing Content: ModLoader (tModLoader) v2023.6.25.31
[12:59:05.557] [.NET ThreadPool Worker/INFO] [tML]: Finalizing Content: SubworldLibrary (Subworld Library) v2.2.1.2
[12:59:05.669] [.NET ThreadPool Worker/INFO] [tML]: Finalizing Content: CastleGenerator (Castle Generator) v0.1
[12:59:05.782] [.NET ThreadPool Worker/INFO] [tML]: Finalizing Content: CheatSheet (Cheat Sheet) v0.7.4.9
[12:59:05.906] [.NET ThreadPool Worker/INFO] [tML]: RAM: tModLoader usage: 713.1 MB, All processes usage: 5.2 GB, Available: 2.7 GB, Total Installed: 8.0 GB
[12:59:06.156] [.NET ThreadPool Worker/DEBUG] [tML]: GlobalItem registration stats. Count: 3, Slots per Entity: 1
    Instanced: 1, Conditional with slot: 0, Conditional by type: 0, Applies to single type: 0
    List Permutations: 1, Est Memory Consumption: 16 bytes
[12:59:06.217] [.NET ThreadPool Worker/DEBUG] [tML]: GlobalNPC registration stats. Count: 5, Slots per Entity: 3
    Instanced: 3, Conditional with slot: 0, Conditional by type: 0, Applies to single type: 0
    List Permutations: 1, Est Memory Consumption: 16 bytes
[12:59:06.236] [.NET ThreadPool Worker/DEBUG] [tML]: GlobalProjectile registration stats. Count: 0, Slots per Entity: 0
    Instanced: 0, Conditional with slot: 0, Conditional by type: 0, Applies to single type: 0
    List Permutations: 0, Est Memory Consumption: 0 bytes
[12:59:06.385] [.NET ThreadPool Worker/INFO] [tML]: Adding Recipes...
[12:59:09.775] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Process.Start (UseShellExecute = False): "where" dotnet
[12:59:09.960] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: System dotnet install located at: C:\Program Files\dotnet\dotnet.exe
[12:59:09.961] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Process.Start (UseShellExecute = False): "C:\Program Files\dotnet\dotnet.exe" --list-sdks
[12:59:10.114] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]:
6.0.408 [C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk]
7.0.306 [C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk]

[12:59:14.523] [.NET ThreadPool Worker/INFO] [Terraria]: Loading World: zTest, IsCloud=False, Width: 4200, Height: 1200, Evil: 0, GameMode: 3
[12:59:14.555] [.NET ThreadPool Worker/INFO] [StatusText]: Loading world data
[12:59:15.190] [.NET ThreadPool Worker/INFO] [StatusText]: Settling liquids
[12:59:15.660] [.NET ThreadPool Worker/INFO] [StatusText]: Loading map data
[12:59:15.699] [.NET ThreadPool Worker/INFO] [StatusText]: Drawing map
[12:59:15.762] [Main Thread/INFO] [Terraria]: Entering world with player: zTest, IsCloud=False, Width: 4200, Height: 1200, Evil: 0, GameMode: 3
[12:59:22.819] [.NET ThreadPool Worker/INFO] [StatusText]: Saving map data
[12:59:23.253] [.NET ThreadPool Worker/INFO] [StatusText]: Saving world data
[12:59:23.593] [.NET ThreadPool Worker/INFO] [StatusText]: Validating world save
[12:59:43.867] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [TerrariaSteamClient]: Send: shutdown
The last line was when I closed the game client on the X.
whats the current tmodloader version this is compatible with or where can I find it? Is is updated to 1.4.4? I cant find it anywhere and I am getting errors its still outdated to 2022.9.47.15 and not to 2023.6.25.31. thx for help
Hey hi, in multiplayer we are getting stuck on "Receiving (or loading I dont exactly remember) Data: 100%" in multiplayer when trying joining a subworld with the only Fix that’s alt f4 the game, when trying multiples Times We sere a le to join 1 time together in the subworld (after 10 times approximately) but we weren’t able to go back to the main world.
When will it be fixed?
Because the only way to play the mod (currently happening in Stars Above mod) is to disabile the subworld features (ruining the immersion), we can send you the servers log to help finding the bug
Question, does multiplayer actually work? Me and my friends made a subworld and we cannot access it in Multiplayer.

(Nvm I fixed it)
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Does this still work because last time me and my friends tried a multiplayer world with infernum we just got stuck at 100% and didn't get to see the world
View attachment 388172
Subworld Library
Dimensions, made easy.
A tool for modders to easily add dimensions (referred to as subworlds) to their mods, making all the necessary code injections, handling Multiplayer and managing every subworld.

Subworld Library does a LOT of code injection, as Terraria was not made with subworlds in mind.​
Subworlds are highly customisable; from how big or small they are, to what ModSystems can update inside of them and even how they are lit.​
Subworld Library removes Space, both Oceans and the Underworld from subworlds, allowing them to be extremely small without issues.​

Loading a subworld is straightforward. Loading screens can be as simple as text on a plain background, or something complex, like an item selection menu.​

Subworlds save to a directory named after the main world. A subworld and/or changes to players inside it can be temporary. Deleting a world deletes all of its subworlds as well.​

Subworld Library works in Multiplayer with little to no extra work required from modders. A server is opened for every subworld being occupied.​
Im doing a playthrough with my friend in Calamity Infernum, but i cannot go to the dimensions because it is in multiplayer. Same thing goes for the Stars Above mod. Is there any way to travel to dimensions while playing in multiplayer?
Am I able to create a subworld as a genpass task during world creation? My attempts so far have caused tmodloader to freeze and close
edit: it seems to be creating hundreds of new subworlds instead of one 🤔
Is there an example or code snippet of drawing the standard terraria menu? That was the thing back in 1.3 but now defaults to the black background and text (which is the DrawMenu() thing).
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