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  • All bets are off for the Net neutrality in the US now, let's hope that 83% of Americans not wanting it to end is enough... Good luck guys..
    You know you messed something up with TModLoader when the game crashes when placing normal wood blocks in a 2x2 pattern.
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    Reactions: neoselket
    The game can't handle 4 blocks of wood together? Well that...I'm speechless.
    Didn't think making my art thread would have been taking so long : I only almost copy-pasted the first things I had done for the contest
    Considering the creation of my art thread, by turning a lot of Terraria into Hearthstone Cards... I just wonder if people would enjoy it...
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    Reactions: neoselket
    It would be fun personally for me to see. I can easily see a game made out of the cards you've created. If it is something you really desire to do, I'd say it would be really fun to go for it!
    Hoping I won't have to stay up all night to finish my entry for the next year. Even tho I'm not hoping to win, I like sharing my ideas ^^
    I keep getting disconnected from the TCF which is kinda disturbing. I know it comes from me but I don't know the exact source of the prob...
    It may be the https issue. If you're using an https connection to the site, you'll have to switch to http as that was causes around 90-95% of the logout issues that are similar to this.
    Apparently I'm, not having any trouble anymore. I don't know why, because I didn't change anything. Oh well, Thanks anyway ^^
    Since I'm apparently clumsy when trying to express something, why not simply stop ? Admit that would be super cool not to be human :guidewink:
    Officially died to a(n ice) slime. I have no excuses even though it was in expert mode. I shall be ashamed of this event forever.
    Once again, a slime stood triumphant!
    I am speechless for that. the slime was too strong wiht his friends for me to handle or dodge them.
    Happy LATE Valentine's day everyone ! May your true love come in the near future :guidesmile:
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    Reactions: Aesir
    James Harrow
    James Harrow
    it's like 3 in the afternoon for me. : P
    Well, It's 10:15 PM in France so that's quite the difference here.
    2 Heart Crystals, 4 underground houses and a bunch of statues. Well, nice way to begin a NEW YEAR.
    Happy New Year, people ! Hope you'll have a good time tonight. Anyway, night-night for me...
    Anyone got a good free game on the Windows Store? I'm getting kinda bored having only my phone to play/watch videos/post stuff on the TCF :guidesad:
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