Chocosta Dec 14, 2017 All bets are off for the Net neutrality in the US now, let's hope that 83% of Americans not wanting it to end is enough... Good luck guys..
All bets are off for the Net neutrality in the US now, let's hope that 83% of Americans not wanting it to end is enough... Good luck guys..
Chocosta Dec 12, 2017 Time to break the Internet and repel the FCC and their anti-Net Neutrality shenanigans.
Chocosta Mar 19, 2017 You know you messed something up with TModLoader when the game crashes when placing normal wood blocks in a 2x2 pattern.
You know you messed something up with TModLoader when the game crashes when placing normal wood blocks in a 2x2 pattern.
Chocosta Dec 23, 2016 New Terraria cards out :
New Terraria cards out :
Chocosta Dec 16, 2016 Didn't think making my art thread would have been taking so long : I only almost copy-pasted the first things I had done for the contest
Didn't think making my art thread would have been taking so long : I only almost copy-pasted the first things I had done for the contest
Chocosta Dec 16, 2016 Considering the creation of my art thread, by turning a lot of Terraria into Hearthstone Cards... I just wonder if people would enjoy it...
Considering the creation of my art thread, by turning a lot of Terraria into Hearthstone Cards... I just wonder if people would enjoy it...
Chocosta Nov 26, 2016 Played this during a blood moon. I think It is pretty good.
Played this during a blood moon. I think It is pretty good.
Chocosta Oct 26, 2016 How in the world do I manage to die every single first nights with a new character ? Either I'm super bad at this game or I am cursed.
How in the world do I manage to die every single first nights with a new character ? Either I'm super bad at this game or I am cursed.
Chocosta Oct 26, 2016 Hoping I won't have to stay up all night to finish my entry for the next year. Even tho I'm not hoping to win, I like sharing my ideas ^^
Hoping I won't have to stay up all night to finish my entry for the next year. Even tho I'm not hoping to win, I like sharing my ideas ^^
Chocosta Oct 24, 2016 I keep getting disconnected from the TCF which is kinda disturbing. I know it comes from me but I don't know the exact source of the prob...
I keep getting disconnected from the TCF which is kinda disturbing. I know it comes from me but I don't know the exact source of the prob...
Chocosta Mar 25, 2016 Since I'm apparently clumsy when trying to express something, why not simply stop ? Admit that would be super cool not to be human
Since I'm apparently clumsy when trying to express something, why not simply stop ? Admit that would be super cool not to be human
Chocosta Feb 24, 2016 Officially died to a(n ice) slime. I have no excuses even though it was in expert mode. I shall be ashamed of this event forever.
Officially died to a(n ice) slime. I have no excuses even though it was in expert mode. I shall be ashamed of this event forever.
Chocosta Feb 14, 2016 Happy LATE Valentine's day everyone ! May your true love come in the near future
Chocosta Jan 1, 2016 2 Heart Crystals, 4 underground houses and a bunch of statues. Well, nice way to begin a NEW YEAR.
Chocosta Jan 1, 2016 Happy New Year, people ! Hope you'll have a good time tonight. Anyway, night-night for me...
Chocosta Dec 10, 2015 Anyone got a good free game on the Windows Store? I'm getting kinda bored having only my phone to play/watch videos/post stuff on the TCF
Anyone got a good free game on the Windows Store? I'm getting kinda bored having only my phone to play/watch videos/post stuff on the TCF