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  • Finally got a full body sketch of my profile pic shows off his missing finger in a way that isn't rude.

    Hunter Sketch.jpg

    Clothes Notes: The blue jeans are on backwards because the fly is a nice tail hole. It feels wrong to not have a shirt but it also feels wrong to not show off a fur pattern like that, so the jacket has the fur pattern.
    Important lesson I learned: Be careful about saying, “I'm almost tempted to write it.” Especially when talking crazy people that like to roleplay serial killers. They may take you seriously and you may end up being commissioned to write about a serial killer being taken to the vet to be checked for rabies. (My price was a game on Steam.)
    I wonder how mad my little bros are gonna be when I tell the New Zealand looking ahh island in The Isles Of Twillania is named after “That dumb orange furry from the dumb forums” (Their words not mine)
    I must fanboy over Hunter more just to spite them
    Your bros have no right calling stuff dumb when they're too dumb to get the main color right. -_-
    When I asked them why they hate these forums so much, they said it’s because “I’m so private.”

    You can’t blame me for hiding my stuff on here around them, especially when it’s replying to a question as an OC, or I’m fanboying over that “dumb orange furry.”
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    The Anthro Fox can technically meet the hunter in a Terraria world because the same NPCs appear in every world

    Judging by one of his dialogue lines this has canonically happened
    I think I accidentally converted my friend to Hunter-Fanboyism (W new word)
    He literally came to my post, (The Forkknife one) replied to it, and followed you in less then 10 minutes
    Screenshot 2024-07-10 at 5.26.28 PM.png
    Is he another potential "furry in denial with very good reasons to be in denial?" kind of guy or is it just really hard to resist fluffy pics? :p
    He's likely the second option
    I'm gonna say that too for myself and pray I'm not lying
    I asked him about this earlier, he said he just thought you were cool, especially after reading some of my messages to you, and followed you since I was.
    I completely forgor to post in my mod thread about the enemy I asked if you wanted to see sorry lol
    (It's probably hard to notice, but I finished the thing I mentioned in your AMA. The edit ping might not work that great)
    The Edit ping worked. I just needed time because of other stuff.

    Also, the visible part of your signature ends right before the expand. I had to look at your profile to see the rest.
    crap Imma go fix that
    Ok i fixed it my signature has the "expand" at the way top now so it won't get stuck lower no matter what I add
    (I edited my latest post in your AMA to actually include a question idk if you noticed)
    Screenshot 2024-07-02 at 7.55.11 PM.png

    Suddenly decided to add "Climmy" to the list of names tha Anthro Fox can spawn with
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    If you need more name ideas, (which you probably do because I only count 15 out of 20 names) Hunter's name before it started changing from respawning with a new name every time was Artemis.

    You can also take names from foxes that appeared in popular Youtube vids.
    (Their names are Finnegan and Dixie Doo.)
    After I publish the first version of my mod, I was gonna try to make a wiki on it, preferably on a site that can't be vandalized. I'll include all the name references for the Anthro Fox, including the Family Guy names.
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    this is the "chimera-like" species I just mentioned in the AMA
    I creatively called them Chimers
    I guess the reason Qnaria looks like them (Chimers came before her) is because Qnaria is actually inspired by a dream
    Which is the reason for the black things on the sides
    Screenshot 2024-06-30 at 6.45.04 PM.png

    Got all this from 1 orb of stuff
    (painting is 1%, the 5 to the right are 50% each, but there's also a separate drop for all the Bee Swarm items, being a 20% chance of a separate stack, giving 1-5.)
    Screenshot of code (feel free to ask what the other items in the screenshot that I didn't roll are)
    Screenshot 2024-06-30 at 6.50.38 PM.png
    completely forgot to tell you (sorry) but I added the useless box
    Screenshot 2024-06-28 at 2.36.11 PM.png

    (Ignore Muscle Man)
    Screenshot 2024-06-28 at 2.37.03 PM.png
    • Haha
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    Nothing. That's the whole point. They wanted it to do nothing, except exist to reforge for easy warding.
    I got it as warding, only costed around 1 silver
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    CoolCookieCutie! :3
    CoolCookieCutie! :3
    Do you really want me to ignore my god, my faith, and my life? What a ridiculous suggestion... I would never do such!
    Screenshot 2024-06-25 at 12.19.35 PM.png

    I dont know if I also have autism but certain scratching sounds (like this video) send a chill down my spine

    followup question
    what was the webcomic you we're gonna submit the hunter into before you found out the author was racist (sounds like my little bros)
    I think I found it, what exactly do you mean the actor is racist? Like anti-furry?
    Racist as in the dictionary definition. I don't want to talk about racism or any other form of bigotry because I hate inequality as much as I hate politics. (Hatred against furries is okay to talk about because it's based on what someone likes instead of what they are.)
    Did they say the N word?
    I tried to make a point about how horrible my little bros act by pointing out how people on the internet I don't even know appreciate my art more than they do
    and they said that *exact words* "anyone who does is a little furry simp with no girlfriend"
    (they we're technically talking about you)
    Your bros suck... I can't say they're wrong about me because I'm single and I've thought about scratching the Zoologist behind her ears, but they definitely suck.
    they remind me of Randy Bettencourt from Big Nate, except there's 2 of them;
    Thye harrass more for no good reason except that I'm me,
    They gossip about me and my art with their friends, (unlike Randy they actually have friends, but the friends are somehow worse than them)
    They play victim EVERY TIME I criticize their horrible behavior.
    Say that they will be cursed by Dutch demons for the horrible behaviour.
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