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  • My madness runs like fine red wine on a Sunday afternoon...
    As opposed to fine red wine on a Monday morning?

    I mean, maybe you're referencing the blood of Christ or something. Only real connection I can establish between red wine and Sunday afternoons. But why would you be referencing that in particular?
    Or maybe you're so mad that you're producing strange, obscure, and not particularly logical pieces of poetic verse. That makes the most sense.

    Then again, that's how I explain a lot of things.
    In reference of the whole christ saying. Just how I usually have been feeling where I have gone absolutely mad and the world around is dissolving in a terrible way. >_>
    I eat purple every day at breakfast, lunch and dinner because nothing is tastier and healtier. Also makes me more purple.
    Saw the Warcraft Movie....
    Jetstreme ∞
    Jetstreme ∞
    I like how all the critics were negative towards it because it was a video game movie and they expected it to flop
    I think Jesse Cox summed it up well as, "the critics don't get it, since they aren't into Warcraft."
    Even if the story was alittle off from original, it still hit enough that it followed. And critics? Haha, this is the only time they failed and most people who liked the movie are laughing them down. I just hope if Warcraft 2 happens, that they keep proving the critics wrong that video games can be movies if done right.
    DemDem is not dead.. Just sleeping reeeally really hard... Face down on the cement. >_>
    Miku Hatsune
    Miku Hatsune
    i guess is funny to sleep face down on the cement
    Gaahh.. Disgaea 5 hype too high for me. WHERES MY LIMITED EDITIOOON!? TOMORROW IS TOO LONG, HAVE TO WAIT AFTER WORK TO PLAY! /die/ :(
    But with the minor progress I made on my demo save, I wouldn't need to worry about trying to unlock the few classes I did. Namely Archer, cause that was annoying, Clerics proficiency is hard to level.
    *Looks at the Contest Anniversary thread* Yeah... I got nothing. :X
    We must embrace our inner children and use MS-Paint to achieve the entry-title, Demonsword
    Lunar Eclipse last night was a lot darker then the usual despite the Super Moon effect. Twas a good scene though, nearly made my area evil.
    Sigh.. It's been getting extremely difficult trying to enjoy what I usually do.. Everyday feels like a fire fight with no end. :/
    Hmm, that feeling when you just proven entire section of numbskulls who thought no more updates will happen, and Otherworld was Terraria 2.
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    Reactions: Eli10293
    Twas on Youtube, but still, they need to lurk on the forums, thinking the wiki is godsavior of information. ¬.¬
    Kyouko Tsukino
    Kyouko Tsukino
    One shouldn't trust even what is said by the devs 100%, but trusting the urban legends and rumors around Terraria, T:OW and T2 is even worse.

    I mean, if we're to trust what devs say, then Redigit left Terraria forever three or four years ago. 1.2 and 1.3 never existed, people!
    Aint that the truth.
    So far telling them OW and T2 aren't the same is better, since Loki said in both original thread and a later one, it's a spin off.
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