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  • I should crawl out of my hole, with all this commotion. Maybe even look into the next story...
    Oh hey, nice getting your story featured. Shoulda stuck around to capitalize on your fame. But congratz though.
    Can't believe you're still sane after writing so much, wew. Hope you continue what you're doing, because it really works. Just thought I might drop in and send you a message since we haven't talked for ages, and I've been following your progress since the very start, bud.
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    Reactions: Derunih
    Thank you! Also, the trick is to not be sane to begin with. Helps a ton.
    I don't know when I get social again, or writing for that matter... Things are busy lately.
    And in other news: Moving house this week. So, activity will be a minimum as internet is sorted at the new place.
    To clarify: There will still be chapters, I will make sure of that! I just may not have the luxury of responding promptly to people, if at all. My phone only has so much data.
    Announcements time! I will post the other one separately. So, uh, I have a Twitter, have for a while. Not much going on there though.
    Oh, right, Speaking with people. I remember that once. *Waves at people*
    On a side note, full time work is bluh.
    Oh, yeah. Hiatus is now over! I might actually respond to pokings again.
    *Pokes* Did you enjoy your hiatus?
    Yup! Celebrated the holidays with family~
    2 week hiatus, commence! I will still post, I will just be lazier about it `:D
    Jack Morgan
    Jack Morgan
    Blerg. I'll cover your customer support and such. If you miss a chapter, I'll be able to post it for you. Blerg, have fun. Don't die.
    Cool. And if I miss a chapter, just poke me and I will upload.
    Hah, finally reached 500 posts... Took a while!
    Jack Morgan
    Jack Morgan
    You're also rockin' a nice 1:4 post:like ratio. I'm only at 1:2.summat so far.
    It must be because you answer so many of those questions for me~
    So, I took a 2 week hiatus from playing Sif, and have been using up that backlog... I think it is time to play again~
    Now to await the contest results. I am curious as to the other categories, but mostly Writing for obvious reasons~
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