Doctor Moonbad
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  • sparkle_zps51b44496.gif
    Hi. How are you?
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    Reactions: Doctor Moonbad
    I'm baaack! Anyways, how's Terraria as of now? I once heard that your perspective on films and books change as you go through them at different times. It shouldn't be no exception, right?
    Doctor Moonbad
    Doctor Moonbad
    Terraria will be incremented by the next version of my mod soon i get school paper done. Every time you read a book, you understand ~20% more of it. So, i think there's no exeption, because you start to see parts of the book/film that you have not noticed before.
    I didn't realize that you were the legendary creator of the Grazodia Mod until today, but now I know. :p What an honor!
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