DrewTastic43 Mar 30, 2018 im pretty sure no one likes the buff boxes almost invisble when zoomed in on console, hope they can fix that
im pretty sure no one likes the buff boxes almost invisble when zoomed in on console, hope they can fix that
DrewTastic43 Feb 20, 2018 In a perfect world, Pipeworks would add in the Lock-on ability, like in the PC, Mobile, and 3ds has, to Xbox One and PS4, life would be easy
In a perfect world, Pipeworks would add in the Lock-on ability, like in the PC, Mobile, and 3ds has, to Xbox One and PS4, life would be easy
DrewTastic43 Feb 16, 2018 Please tell me there WILL be a bux fix update soon for the xbox one, it's just painful to play
DrewTastic43 Feb 7, 2018 Figured it out, it's your familiar clothes (Wig, Shirt, Pants) that makes your yoyo invisible
DrewTastic43 Feb 7, 2018 Is it just me, or is anyone else getting this bug were you throw a yoyo and the yoyo nor the string appear? Is there a way to fix that???
Is it just me, or is anyone else getting this bug were you throw a yoyo and the yoyo nor the string appear? Is there a way to fix that???