iiOnebuddy Jul 18, 2018 I'm re-reading everything that I did three years ago, and I'm cringing... Help.
iiOnebuddy Apr 6, 2016 Hahahaha! Its been 2 months since I updated my prof. Please reply so I can JOHN CENA! dun dun dun duuuuuuuuun x2
Hahahaha! Its been 2 months since I updated my prof. Please reply so I can JOHN CENA! dun dun dun duuuuuuuuun x2
iiOnebuddy Jan 24, 2016 http://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/item-on-your-left-is-your-weapon-against-zombies.39
iiOnebuddy Jan 9, 2016 Do people really update their status to express their thoughts? Or they just want to be noticed?
iiOnebuddy Jan 4, 2016 Status in-game: Tried to kill Moon Lord with Copper Shortsword (forge Legendary)
iiOnebuddy Dec 28, 2015 *Sees profiles below with many likes and followers* Wonder when will I became like them...Lol you didn't just check my profile
*Sees profiles below with many likes and followers* Wonder when will I became like them...Lol you didn't just check my profile
G G Gmayor61 Dec 26, 2015 This may seem random, but may I ask you a question? How many pillows do you sleep with
iiOnebuddy Dec 25, 2015 Look at my Sci-Fi glasses, awesome hair, striped t-shirt, cloud in bottle, shark tooth necklace, and jeans. Looks cool, right?
Look at my Sci-Fi glasses, awesome hair, striped t-shirt, cloud in bottle, shark tooth necklace, and jeans. Looks cool, right?