Kaiju Jul 5, 2017 i haven't logged on in a year and a half.. holy . i never got too close to anybody on here, but i guess i should say i'm not dead.
i haven't logged on in a year and a half.. holy . i never got too close to anybody on here, but i guess i should say i'm not dead.
Kaiju Oct 26, 2015 With a title like this, you'd expect it to be a joke. Somehow, it isn't. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOYqQmaa3eA
With a title like this, you'd expect it to be a joke. Somehow, it isn't. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOYqQmaa3eA
Kaiju Oct 24, 2015 Doom had some good music. Hopefully the new one does too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVRbEvPvF7A
Doom had some good music. Hopefully the new one does too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVRbEvPvF7A
Kaiju Oct 24, 2015 I can't tell if Viper has fried his brain on crack, or actually thinks this is funny. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_UbvKl1Xzc4
I can't tell if Viper has fried his brain on crack, or actually thinks this is funny. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_UbvKl1Xzc4
Kaiju Oct 23, 2015 i don't know whether to be disgusted or laugh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01cV4r9pWs0
Kaiju Oct 23, 2015 This needs to happen. http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/get-daniel-heiman-back-and-finish-the
Kaiju Oct 23, 2015 I tried to make a sub twice and burned it both times. Guess I'll just have to have it cold.
Kaiju Oct 23, 2015 So, today's schedule is working at my house and then going to work at my job. Fun times.
Kaiju Oct 23, 2015 I want to get the X-Plus Toho figures, but good lord are they expensive. The 60's Godzilla is nearly $3K.
I want to get the X-Plus Toho figures, but good lord are they expensive. The 60's Godzilla is nearly $3K.
Kaiju Oct 22, 2015 The yell at the end of Lost Horizon's "Highlander" goes with almost every situation.
Kaiju Oct 21, 2015 Wow, Megalon is ridiculous in Destroy All Monsters: Melee. I don't remember him being this bull
Kaiju Oct 21, 2015 When the whole squad lookin fresh http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m85/legion79/giganfamily001.jpg
Kaiju Oct 21, 2015 I'm probably going to take up my martial arts training again. Awesome, I missed it.
Kaiju Oct 17, 2015 Got the Godzilla Collection box set. I'm disappointed there isn't a box set with every Godzilla movie, but this is good enough.
Got the Godzilla Collection box set. I'm disappointed there isn't a box set with every Godzilla movie, but this is good enough.