Recent content by KingJonSnow

  1. KingJonSnow

    Xbox One Iateglu shop

    Hi I need vamp knives, hm you want?
  2. KingJonSnow

    Xbox One Vampire Knives

    Hi, I am looking for a Vampire Knives, I pay a good price. Please chat Hitalo Viana on X1 and I go online.
  3. KingJonSnow

    Xbox One Looking for a few weekend players.

    My gt it Hitalo Viana, available almost everyday from 20:30 (08:30 pm) GMT hour.
  4. KingJonSnow

    Xbox One Seeking Assistance with Expert Moon Lord

    Hi hope u dont mind, I added you as a friend in x1, we are talking just now in the chat :D
  5. KingJonSnow

    Xbox One Saved Maps and/or itens

    Thank you for the information, and sorry for asking the map stuff. Do you know if it is possible someone "give" an item in multiplayer?
  6. KingJonSnow

    Xbox One Saved Maps and/or itens

    Hi guys, cheers. I've heard that the only way to get saved maps and/or itens in Xone is by clouding the data from Xbox 360. I don't have Xbox 360, and I don't know anyone who may help me. Is there a way to get stuff or maps? Is it possible, for example, I play multiplayer and someone put in the...
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